0.81: Wed Feb 28 15:17:01 EST 2001
- jettero fixed a typo
0.8: Wed Feb 28 11:36:21 EST 2001
- jettero added the extra_text/EXTRA_TEXT mail template
0.79: Wed Feb 28 11:28:08 EST 2001
- jettero folded the .pm (non vi users will be
0.78: Fri Nov 3 16:48:06 EST 2000
- jettero took the box formatting outta itemized_list ...
it was broken under windows ...
0.77: Fri Nov 3 16:17:30 EST 2000
- jettero took the pre tags out... they didn't work
0.76: Fri Nov 3 15:18:26 EST 2000
- jettero added <pre></pre> tags to the inventory
displayer thing, cuz it looked really stupid in
0.75: Fri Nov 3 13:06:36 EST 2000
- jettero added ultra picky date format code. After
having experienced some truly evil pickiness from the
CSI server.
0.74: Thu Nov 2 16:42:40 EST 2000
- jettero changed some mail settings so the fullname of
the customer shows inthe e-mail ... and the smtp is
nolonger in debugmode
0.73: Thu Nov 2 12:17:16 EST 2000
- jettero added another line to the summary
0.72: Thu Nov 2 11:48:15 EST 2000
- jettero fixed a typo in the manpage
0.71: Wed Nov 1 15:35:16 EST 2000
- jettero made some giant changes to the CSI module. In
addition to the item support, I've added customer email
support... Wooo! CSI's automajik email sucked really
really really badly. ;)
0.3: Tue Oct 31 08:19:39 EST 2000
- jettero have a few more tests to run, but I think this
version is stable
0.29: Mon Oct 30 18:51:26 EST 2000
- jettero think I got all the order line item stuff to
sorta work ...
0.27: Mon Oct 30 16:31:04 EST 2000
- jettero added line item support.
0.26: Fri Oct 27 16:29:42 EDT 2000
- jettero removed the dependancy to Business::CreditCard,
since it was kinda broken, and I didn't use it
0.25: Wed Oct 18 07:26:59 EDT 2000
- jettero added the head -1 's ya see in the Makefile.PL,
thanx again David.
0.24: Tue Oct 10 10:57:06 EDT 2000
- jettero made the Makefile.PL interactive, and also do a
search to find the CSI LinkPoint API dirs.
0.23: Tue Oct 10 10:08:05 EDT 2000
- jettero discovered that I really really need to pass in
floats, not doubles. Wierd
0.22: Tue Oct 10 08:17:43 EDT 2000
- jettero installed a couple more things in the manpage
(pod ... or whatever).
0.21: Tue Oct 10 08:00:29 EDT 2000
- jettero installed a README based on another request by
David Deppner. He pointed out that I never mention that
you do in fact need the csi LinkPoint API installed on
your system.
0.2: Tue Oct 10 07:58:04 EDT 2000
- jettero made 4 changes based on suggestions by "David
Deppner" <dave@psyber.com>. Apparently, the
cc_order_set() functions are supposed to take doubles
even though the sample app uses floats. They are in
fact (void *)s in the cc_api_client.h. That suggests
that they type cast them any way; but I did make the
change since it was causing him trouble. Thanks a lot
0.19: Thu Sep 21 11:37:40 EDT 2000
- jettero made some minor bugfixes and typeo repairs.
0.18: Thu Sep 21 10:28:13 EDT 2000
- jettero tested the thing... seems to work great.
0.17: Thu Sep 21 10:28:06 EDT 2000
- jettero got the docs to a happy place
0.16: Wed Sep 20 17:37:46 EDT 2000
- jettero cleaned up the docs alot ...
0.15: Wed Sep 20 17:22:26 EDT 2000
- jettero got some tests to actually work. ;)
0.14: Wed Sep 20 15:18:47 EDT 2000
- jettero installed unique order numbers
0.13: Mon Sep 18 17:09:23 EDT 2000
- jettero think this might sorta work... I have to try
this with a real key.
0.12: Mon Sep 18 16:49:39 EDT 2000
- jettero changed the entire return style for the simple
0.11: Mon Sep 18 16:36:24 EDT 2000
- jettero did some debugging and features upgrades
0.1: Sun Sep 17 20:48:38 EDT 2000
- jettero did a whole bunch of typing.... nothing works
yet though
0.06: Sun Sep 17 19:04:37 EDT 2000
- jettero got it to test OK
0.05: Sun Sep 17 19:04:31 EDT 2000
- jettero got it to link
0.04: Sun Sep 17 19:04:26 EDT 2000
- jettero got it to compile
0.03: Sun Sep 17 18:50:34 EDT 2000
- jettero figured out the bootstrap problem _again_ (see
the JDockApp Changes ... and below)
0.02: Sun Sep 17 18:37:19 EDT 2000
- jettero rebuilt the XS stuff
- The correct solution would have been to put CSI.o in
the Makefile.PL
0.03: Sun Sep 17 17:09:40 EDT 2000
- jettero got this bitch to compile
0.02: Sun Sep 17 17:09:36 EDT 2000
- jettero installed makeitromscratch manifestbuilder I
format.scr examples/ccapi_ordertest.c
examples/ordertest.c and csi_process_card_simple.c
Revision history for Perl extension Business::CSI.
0.01 Tue Aug 15 13:11:10 2000
- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with
options -n Business::CSI