0.55: Fri Dec 31 17:26:42 EST 2004
- jettero found out the identd is supposed to stay open after a lookup
0.54: Fri Dec 31 15:00:05 EST 2004
- jettero made the documentation about a hundred times better
0.21: Thu Dec 30 15:28:49 EST 2004
- jettero technically added documentation...
0.06: Thu Dec 30 14:59:23 EST 2004
- jettero wrote another test to show that it can do lookups
0.05: Thu Dec 30 14:12:58 EST 2004
- jettero wrote a test to check the error messages
0.04: Thu Dec 30 10:50:57 EST 2004
- jettero did some tests and believe this thing works
0.03: Thu Dec 30 09:10:46 EST 2004
- jettero added a default lookup routine
0.02: Thu Dec 30 08:15:48 EST 2004
- jettero added a nifty error printing routine
0.01: Wed Dec 29 09:54:39 EST 2004
- jettero inherited Net::Server and an ini-conf reader. Amazing!