0.90.11: Mon Jun 2 08:26:11 EDT 2008
- was using Devel::CheckLib wrong. Use use-devel-checklib
script next time
0.90.10: Tue May 27 12:11:11 EDT 2008
- (wow, use version has to be on the same line as our $VERSION
for older EUMM)
0.90.9: Mon May 26 15:57:34 EDT 2008
- I might as well do a new version of everything using
version.pm while I wait for all my CPAN deletes to go
through. I just discovered that version.pm doesn't/didn't
go core until perl 5.9... I really wish I'd have prereqed
it everywhere I used it, but I didn't. *sigh*
0.90.8: Sat May 24 09:22:10 EDT 2008
- Gah, Andreas Koenig himself took the trouble to point out
further problems with my three number versioning. I'll now
'use version' as he suggests.
0.90.6: Wed May 21 12:56:49 EDT 2008
- The Irix compiler (and probably others) can't deal with having
if() blocks in the PREINIT -- a braindead error on my part.
0.90.4: Wed May 21 12:56:49 EDT 2008
- I misunderstood the use of Devel::CheckLib.
You're meant to include it with your distribution, duh.
0.90.3: Sun May 18 09:17:56 EDT 2008
- Windows? Seriously? You're going to need libc I guess.
Really, I never gussed windows people would try to compile
this. CPAN Testers rocks in that way.
- Devel::CheckLib now looks for libc and regex.h
- Wow, linux (really gnu platforms) is the only place where \|
works under basic REs. gnu grep apparently lexes it's own
basic REs and only uses regcomp() for certain balancing
error-checks. I did not know that. Again: perl testers
0.90.1: Sun May 18 09:17:56 EDT 2008
- Made the Makefile.PL require a modern ExtUtils::MakeMaker w/
ExtUtils::Constant (bsd 6.1 is apparently pure evil)
0.90: Sat May 17 06:54:46 EDT 2008
- Fixed various error message typos
- Fixed various BSD problems that hopefully also fix the same
problems in solaris (installing a bsd virtual machine was
enough trouble, ... where would I find solaris?) (bottom
line: god bless the perl testers!)
0.89: Fri Aug 18 16:21:57 EDT 2006
- jettero upgraded the version to 89...
0.54: Fri Aug 18 16:21:33 EDT 2006
- jettero added a few gnu regex options
0.53: Fri Aug 18 15:50:24 EDT 2006
- jettero got the matching routines to work great
0.52: Fri Aug 18 14:24:07 EDT 2006
- jettero got some of the primary methods like regcomp and
DESTROY working
0.01 Thu Aug 17 18:16:16 2006
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
--skip-ppport /usr/include/regex.h