0.99.1:  Mon Jan 30 15:44:15 EST 2006
   - jettero removed some debugging code

0.99:  Mon Jan 30 15:17:05 EST 2006
   - jettero made Term::GF understand the shell
     RC_DEFAULT_INDENT and RC_INDENTATION, however you must
     export them wherever you fork to perl ... and perl
     cannot modify them back up to the shell. So maybe not
     so helpful, but complete feeling

0.98:  Fri Jan 27 16:28:10 EST 2006
   - jettero added minor changes to eend, such as $_ use and
     argument passthrough...

0.97.1:  Thu Jan 26 17:15:05 EST 2006
   - jettero made the OK an ok instead

0.97:  Thu Jan 26 15:53:17 EST 2006
   - jettero added eindent and eoutdent

0.95:  Thu Jan 26 12:00:ish EST 2006
   - jettero first built this module