1.2.0: Fri May 23 08:34:17 EDT 2008
   - This can work under win32... code added

1.1.7: Tue May 20 10:24:18 EDT 2008
   - People have told me that two dotted versions cause problems
     on CPAN.  It's true, and the leading zero on the second
     number sure didn't help.  I refuse to abandon this type of
     versioning though.  Linux uses it, Perl iteself uses it.

         major_version.minor_version.bugs  <- not wrong

     Oh well...

1.01.4: Mon Jun 11 2007
   - I added require 5.008 lines to the .PL and .pm

1.01.3: Mon Jun 11 2007
   - I updated the version and fixed a few things.
     edie was missing from whatever I have on cpan so I needed a new version for:
     "use Term::GentooFunctions 1.010_003 qw(:all);"

1.01.1: Mon Jun 11 2007
   - I removed a &wash regex

1.01:  Sun Feb 26 07:56:47 EST 2006
   - jettero fixed several compile time bugs

1:  Tue Feb 14 17:54:19 EST 2006
   - jettero added a $|=1 to einfon ... cuz c'mon

0.99.3:  Mon Feb  6 18:24:10 EST 2006
   - jettero have added einfon
   - jettero fixed a wrong subtraction on [ ok ] placement
     ... how did I miss that before?

0.99.2:  Mon Jan 30 15:51:09 EST 2006
   - jettero found yet another bug between the interaction
     of the shell version and the perl version

0.99.1:  Mon Jan 30 15:44:15 EST 2006
   - jettero removed some debugging code

0.99:  Mon Jan 30 15:17:05 EST 2006
   - jettero made Term::GF understand the shell
     RC_DEFAULT_INDENT and RC_INDENTATION, however you must
     export them wherever you fork to perl ... and perl
     cannot modify them back up to the shell. So maybe not
     so helpful, but complete feeling

0.98:  Fri Jan 27 16:28:10 EST 2006
   - jettero added minor changes to eend, such as $_ use and
     argument passthrough...

0.97.1:  Thu Jan 26 17:15:05 EST 2006
   - jettero made the OK an ok instead

0.97:  Thu Jan 26 15:53:17 EST 2006
   - jettero added eindent and eoutdent

0.95:  Thu Jan 26 12:00:ish EST 2006
   - jettero first built this module