2.9014: Fri Sep 17 2010
- fixed a 0/0 error.... clearly since the DI is 0, the DX is
also 0, even though it's indeterminant form.
- relicensed as Perl artistic
2.9013: Tue Mar 31 06:58:51 EDT 2009
- I just noticed that the reason my versions are screwed up is
that at some point (circa Jul12 2008) I went down in version
-- foolishly forgetting about floating point versions. Grrz.
2.13: Mon Mar 30 09:54:57 EDT 2009
- I changed the way the tests worked. The rand() calls in the
tests were making the tests fail fairly rarely, but also
randomly. I'm hopeful that the rare circumstances where the
assumptions in the tests fail ... won't happen at all with
pre-generated data.
2.111: Fri Mar 27 18:35:35 EDT 2009
- added chorny code to the makefile that makes the repo show
on cpan.
2.11: Sun Jul 13 13:08:22 EDT 2008
- fixed the HMA test. HMA can apparently exceed (or
under-ceed) input-min-max boundaries. Huh.
2.10: Sat Jul 12 20:33:50 EDT 2008
- Gustav <gustavf@gmail.com> found that ParabolicSAR fails to
accept four tuples that That must have been hard to figure out...
- I also apparently misspelled tuple everywhere, wow
- I added a FAQ pointing to Genius Trader
2.9: Wed Jul 2 15:44:30 EDT 2008
- Added LaguerreFilter (a fascinating take on moving averages
using digital filter processing)
- added a test for the LF
- switched the adaptive diff filter from an average to a
median (more literally what's in Ehlers' book)
2.8: Sun Jun 30 19:55:50 EDT 2008
- I axed the start_with functions... Storable's
freeze()/thaw() should work better anyway. Choose that.
- gave instructions on using the dumpers and storable to
avoid recalcs
- Added WMA
- Added the HMA (suggested by John Baker). I'm
intrigued by it's purported low-lag smoothing abilities..
2.7: Fri Jun 20 16:41:36 EDT 2008
- my doc rearrange didn't help... I added NAME sections.
Might work.
2.7: Thu Jun 19 06:24:27 EDT 2008
- rearranged the distribution a little... the ::cookbook and
::faq pods weren't indexing right on search.cpan.org
- perl5.6.x needs constant 1.05 (or at least greater than
1.02) so I can use that nice constant { NAME => 1 } block.
2.6: Wed Jun 18 18:48:20 EDT 2008
- finished the Parabolic SAR
2.6: Tue Jun 17 07:30:57 EDT 2008
- skeled a ParabolicSAR module
2.5: Mon Jun 16 19:38:44 EDT 2008
- screwed up the fix by not realizing that do{} evaluates to
a scalar in 5.6 (wow). So my 363 element list was setting
my @close = do "file"; like it was @close=(363).
Nice. Oh well, 5.6 is ancient history.
2.4: Sun Jun 15 22:04:12 EDT 2008
- fixed a do {} useless context "bug" so the amit test will
pass on perl 5.6
- I have been version-ing each module up each time I change
the dist version, but I'm going to stop doing that now.
2.3: Sun Jun 15 19:01:53 EDT 2008
- Doc bug... Forgot to add
set_alpha(14) = set_days(27)
2.2: Sat Jun 14 20:22:05 EDT 2008
- RSI(14) really means EMA[27]/EMA[27]
(indirectly suggested by Amit Dutt)
2.1: Mon Jun 9 13:39:44 EDT 2008
- responding to a bug report from Greg Jessup
... seems the example in the MACD module is frelled in
various ways. Fixed.
- improved the t/03_macd test
- lost the use version since I'm using a floating point
2.0: Wed Jun 4 19:19:33 EDT 2008
- added a wantarray return to MACD query
- fixed minor return() bug in MACD (boolean $m verses boolean
- minor doc-fix for RSI
- unified versions
1.4: Mon Jun 2 06:52:18 EDT 2008
- more documentation: what are these for?
- finished the DMI start_with() function
1.4: Sun Jun 1 18:21:49 EDT 2008
- fixed an irritating pseudo-bug in the ADX logic.
- fixed a divide by zero bug in ADX... grrz.
1.3: Sat May 31 18:43:46 EDT 2008
- doc bugs in the Bollinger Bands
- added $class->recommended instantiaters.
- sqrt(-2.07093e-20) in Bollinger Bands
- ATR added
- DMI added
1.2: Wed May 28 16:13:43 EDT 2008
- version hell still
1.1: Wed May 28 15:29:56 EDT 2008
- Yeah, my versions were too low on two modules. Wow.
1.0: Wed May 28 07:36:23 EDT 2008
- I combined all the Math::Business::* modules I wrote into
one distribution
- I made EMA faster and "better" and fixed the while(insert)
where insert is 0
- Refactored SMA to be smarter for long DBI calculations and
possibly less smart for huge multi scalar inserts
- Authored the RSI module to my tastes
- Authored the Bollinger Bands module