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# $Id$

Revision history for Perl extension Net::TCPwrappers

1.00  04-Nov-2002, George A. Theall
      - Initial version.

1.10  26-Dec-2004, James FitzGibbon
      - Cleanup by James FitzGibbon for distribution to CPAN
      - Require perl v5.6.1
      - use AUTOLOAD generated from ExtUtils::Constant
      - Switch build infrastructure from ExtUtils::MakeMaker to
      - Allow the libwrap prefix to be specified on the command line
        to Build.PL
      - Disable Build.PL prompting with --noprompt switch
      - generate ppport.h at install time using Devel::PPPort, or
        fallback to one created with v3.03 of that module
      - Get test coverage up to 100% for statement and branch using
      - Add tests for exported symbols, soft breakpoids, pod coverage
        and pod syntax
      - Switch to XSLoader from DynaLoader

1.11  31-Dec-2004, James FitzGibbon
      - Integrate installation and troubleshooting instructions from the
        README file into the POD for the module, and let Module::Build
        create the README as a text version of the POD.
      - pull over the testsuite from Authen::Libwrap so that we have an
        idea of what needs to be fixed before Authen::Libwrap can be
        deprecated.  About two-thirds of the tests fail and are marked
        as TODO for now, but at least there is a record now.
