Revision history for Perl extension diagnostics.

        - altered t/10-error.t so 5.6.0 will skip tests instead of returning NOK
        - duplicated tests so 5.6.0 will test its own version and 5.6.1+ will skip them
        - use File::Spec for the benefit of VMS users and Mac OS users
        - search rules have been altered, so the French version of Foo::Bar will
        be found in either Foo/Bar/ or Foo/
TODO    - added an '-encoding' parameter (which requires Dan Kogai's
	- order the messages in transmo by decreasing length, so the
	first match will hopefully be also the best match.
        - overhaul transmo and splainthis functions, so module can
	deal with a single line containing two or more
	messages. E.g. "Can"t locate method via package (perhaps you forgot...)"

1.2-alpha Thu Apr 11 22:24:13 2002
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19, based on the 5.7.3 distribution
        - added splainthese function to fix bug # 20020425.019
        - added findpods function to enable multiple languages and modules
        - replaced Getopt::Std by Getopt::Long, and added parse_option function.
        - changed current debug statements to select which category to
	print, and added many others.
        - changed the "printf-to-regexp" converter, so extracting the
	square root or the logarithm of a negative number will be
	properly explained.