package Gapp::Gtk2::List::Simple; use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE); use Gtk2; use Carp; use Data::Dumper; use strict; use warnings; use Glib::Object::Subclass Glib::Object::, interfaces => [ Gtk2::TreeModel::, Gtk2::TreeDragDest:: ], ; sub INIT_INSTANCE { my $self = shift; $self->{n_columns} = 1; $self->{column_types} = [ 'Glib::Scalar' ]; $self->{rows} = []; $self->{stamp} = sprintf '%d', rand (1<<31); } sub FINALIZE_INSTANCE { my $self = shift; $self->{rows} = undef; $self->{stamp} = undef; $self->{column_types} = undef; } sub GET_FLAGS { [qw/list-only/] } sub GET_N_COLUMNS { shift->{n_columns}; } sub GET_COLUMN_TYPE { my ($self, $index) = @_; return $self->{column_types}[$index]; } sub GET_ITER { my ($self, $path) = @_; die "no path" unless $path; my @indices = $path->get_indices; my $depth = $path->get_depth; # no children, this is a list die "depth != 1" unless $depth == 1; my $n = $indices[0]; return undef if $n >= @{$self->{rows}} || $n < 0; my $record = $self->{rows}[$n]; die "no record" unless $record; die "bad record" unless $record->{pos} == $n; return [ $self->{stamp}, $n, $record, undef ]; } sub GET_PATH { my ($self, $iter) = @_; die "no iter" unless $iter; my $record = $iter->[2]; my $path = Gtk2::TreePath->new; $path->append_index ($record->{pos}); return $path; } sub GET_VALUE { my ($self, $iter, $column) = @_; die "bad iter" unless $iter; my $record = $iter->[2]; return undef unless $record; die "bad iter" if $record->{pos} >= @{$self->{rows}}; return $record->{value}; } sub ITER_NEXT { my ($self, $iter) = @_; return undef unless $iter && $iter->[2]; my $record = $iter->[2]; # Is this the last record in the list? return undef if $record->{pos} >= @{ $self->{rows} }; my $nextrecord = $self->{rows}[$record->{pos} + 1]; return undef unless $nextrecord; die "invalid record" unless $nextrecord->{pos} == ($record->{pos} + 1); return [ $self->{stamp}, $nextrecord->{pos}, $nextrecord, undef ]; } sub ITER_CHILDREN { my ($self, $parent) = @_; return undef if $parent; # this is a list, nodes have no children return undef unless @{ $self->{rows} }; # No rows => no first row return [ $self->{stamp}, 0, $self->{rows}[0] ]; # Set iter to first item in list } sub ITER_HAS_CHILD { FALSE } sub ITER_N_CHILDREN { my ($self, $iter) = @_; # special case: if iter == NULL, return number of top-level rows return scalar @{$self->{rows}} if ! $iter; return 0; # otherwise, this is easy again for a list } sub ITER_NTH_CHILD { my ($self, $parent, $n) = @_; # a list has only top-level rows return undef if $parent; # special case: if parent == NULL, set iter to n-th top-level row return undef if ! defined $self->{rows} || $n >= @{$self->{rows}}; my $record = $self->{rows}[$n]; die "no record" unless $record; die "bad record" unless $record->{pos} == $n; return [ $self->{stamp}, $n, $record ]; } sub ITER_PARENT { FALSE } sub append { my ( $self, $object ) = @_; my $record = { value => $object }; push @{ $self->{rows} }, $record; $record->{pos} = @{$self->{rows}} - 1; my $path = Gtk2::TreePath->new; $path->append_index( $record->{pos} ); my $iter = $self->get_iter( $path ); $self->row_inserted( $path, $iter ); return $self->get_iter( $path ); } sub set { my ( $self, $treeiter, $value ) = @_; my $iter = $treeiter->to_arrayref($self->{stamp}); my $record = $iter->[2]; $record->{value} = $value; $self->row_changed ($self->get_path ($treeiter), $treeiter); } sub clear { my ( $self ) = @_; while ( @{$self->{rows}} ) { my $record = pop @{ $self->{rows} }; my $path = Gtk2::TreePath->new; $path->append_index( $record->{pos} ); $self->row_deleted ( $path ); } } sub remove { my ( $self, $treeiter ) = @_; my $iter = $treeiter->to_arrayref($self->{stamp}); my $n = $iter->[1]; # splice the record from the rows my ( $record ) = splice @{$self->{rows}}, $n, 1; # update the position field of affected records for my $i ( $n..$#{$self->{rows}} ) { $self->{rows}[$i]{pos} = $i; } # find the path and notify the model of the row removal my $path = Gtk2::TreePath->new; $path->append_index( $record->{pos} ); $self->row_deleted ( $path ); # update the iter to point new row $iter->[0] = $self->{stamp}; $iter->[2] = $self->{rows}[$n]; return Gtk2::TreeIter->new_from_arrayref( $iter ); } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Gapp::Gtk2::List::Simple - A sngle column list that can hold arbitrary values =head1 SYNOPSIS use Gtk2 '-init'; use Gapp::Gtk2; $list = Gapp::Gtk2::List::Simple->new; $iter = $list->append( $value ); $list->set( $iter, $new_value ); =head1 DESCRIPTION <Gapp::Gtk2::List::Simple> is a very simpleL<Gtk2::TreeModel|> that is implmented in perl. It has only one column with no restrictions on the data type it can hold. Nodes can not have children. =head1 OBJECT HEIRARCHY =over4 =item L<Glib::Object|> =item +--L<Gapp::Gtk2::List::Simple> =back =head2 Implemented Interfaces =over 4 =item L<Gtk2::TreeModel|> =back =head1 PROVIDED METHODS =over 4 =item B<append ( $value )> Adds the value to the list, returns an C<$iter> to reference the position. =item B<clear> Clears the list. =item B<remove ( $iter )> Removes a row from the model. =item B<set( $iter, $value )> Sets the value at the position referenced by the C<$iter>. =back =head1 AUTHOR Jeffrey Ray Hallock E<lt>jeffrey.hallock at gmail dot comE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2011 Jeffrey Ray Hallock. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut