package GappX::Dialogs::Meta::Widget::Trait::ConfirmDialog; { $GappX::Dialogs::Meta::Widget::Trait::ConfirmDialog::VERSION = '0.003'; } use Moose::Role; use MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor; with 'GappX::Dialogs::Meta::Widget::Trait::MessageDialog'; around BUILDARGS => sub { my ( $orig, $class, %opts ) = @_; $opts{buttons} ||= [ qw(gtk-cancel cancel gtk-ok ok) ]; $opts{icon} ||= 'gtk-dialog-question'; $opts{image} ||= Gapp::Image->new( stock => [ 'gtk-dialog-question', 'dialog' ], fill => 0, expand => 0, ); return $class->$orig( %opts ); }; package Gapp::Meta::Widget::Custom::Trait::ConfirmDialog; { $Gapp::Meta::Widget::Custom::Trait::ConfirmDialog::VERSION = '0.003'; } sub register_implementation { 'GappX::Dialogs::Meta::Widget::Trait::ConfirmDialog' }; 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME GappX::Dialogs::Meta::Widget::Trait::ConfirmDialog - ConfirmDialog widget trait =head1 SYNOPSIS use Gapp; use GappX::Dialogs; $dlg = Gapp::Dialog->new( traits => [qw( ConfirmDialog )], text => 'Primary Text', secondary => 'Secondary Text', ); $dlg->run; =head1 DESCRIPTION Trait for a dialog with a C<gtk-dialog-question> image and C<gtk-ok> and C<gtk-cancel> buttons. =head1 AUTHORS Jeffrey Ray Hallock E<lt>jeffrey.hallock at gmail dot comE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (c) 2012 Jeffrey Ray Hallock. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible) =cut