Revision history for Perl module DateTime::Format::ISO8601
0.06 Tue Apr 10 15:17:34 HST 2007
- add Test::Distribution tests
- merge rel_0_04_FIXES branch -- fixing the major regressions introduced
in 0.05
0.05 Tue Mar 27 11:25:42 HST 2007
- disable a test that may fail depending on the localtime date
0.0403 Sun Aug 7 13:18:48 HST 2005
- update doc format
- tidy Build.PL
- auto-generate Makefile.PL
- change set_base_datetime() to use DT's overloaded <=> instead of ->compare()
- tidy test sources and reduce runtime
0.0402 Thu Oct 28 20:25:50 HST 2004
- add 8 missing formats, patch by Kelly McCauley
0.0401 Sun Feb 8 13:23:19 HST 2004
- fix test for -DDD format as reported by Jonathan Leffler <jleffler _AT_>
0.04 Sat Nov 15 14:29:58 HST 2003
- require DT 0.18 and DT::F::B 0.77
- recommend Test::Pod 0.95 and File::Find::Rule 0.24
- doc update
- test update
- fix bug in -YY spec
- default handling of 2-digit years is now 0-49 as 20xx and 50-99 as 19xx
- add DefaultCutOffYear()
- add DefaultLegacyYear()
- add base_datetime()
- add clone()
- add cut_off_year()
- add legacy_year()
- add new()
- add set_base_datetime()
- add set_cut_off_year()
- add set_legacy_year()
0.03 Thu Jul 3 19:57:18 HST 2003
- require DT::F::B 0.75
- 'constructor' in specrefs instead of _normalize_day()
- removed _normalize_day()
- speed enhancement from internals cleanup
- fixed _normalize_week to properly handle week specified without a day of week
- fixed ISO week day tests (count from zero instead of 1 error)
- ISO8601 sections - and 5.3.3 - maybe prefixed with 'T'
- doc update
0.02 Thu Jun 26 22:44:38 HST 2003
- require DT 0.13 and DT::F::B 0.74
- dropped Date::ISO dep
- length based string matching where possible
- support '.' as a fractional time separator
- slightly better docs
- bug fix for _add_minute()
0.01 Sat Jun 21 22:35:19 HST 2003
- support ISO8601 date/time formats