Revision history for perl distribution App-mojopaste

1.03 2019-08-08T23:51:56+0200
 - Add support for custom branding

1.02 2019-08-08T21:47:21+0200
 - Fix height of textarea

1.01 2019-08-08T21:25:41+0200
 - Changed layout to "dark mode"
 - Changed layout to using "modern" CSS technologies, such as var()
 - Swapped Google Code Prettify style to
 - Using a modified version of
   as logo, under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license.
 - Add basic documentation to script #17
   Contributor: Dan Book
 - Fix shebang #16
   Contributor: Dan Book

1.00 2018-09-26T00:00:33+0900
 - Compatible with Mojolicious 8.00
 - Changed from delay to promises

0.26 2018-04-21T10:37:22+0200
 - Add title that describe which paste you look at
 - Add support for pluggable backends #14
 - Change Dockerfile to pull from instead of cpan
 - Fix "...did you mean do "./script/mojopaste"? at t/config.t line 10."

0.25 2017-06-20T00:20:46+0200
 - Mojolicious has deprecated Mojo::Util::slurp() and spurt()
 - Fix failing tests

0.24 2016-10-13T10:01:53+0200
 - Writing/reading files are more robust

0.23 2016-09-08T20:08:22+0200
 - Fix rendering 404 for paste_not_found() and .txt extension

0.22 2016-09-06T21:18:39+0200
 - Will never allow robots
 - Will only graph csv data

0.21 2016-06-30T14:44:51+0200
 - Change default paste directory
 - Can embed paste and graphs
 - Fix using the whole window and nothing more when showing a graph

0.20 2016-06-29T18:08:30+0200
 - Fix X-Plain-Text-URL must be an absolute URL
 - Add line numbers to pretty printed code
 - Change "Paste" button to "Save"

0.19 2016-06-29T13:59:26+0200
 - Fix selecting only pastebin text on ctrl+a or cmd+a
 - Fix handling of empty paste
 - Add EXPERIMENTAL X-Plain-Text-URL header to paste web page
 - Add support for header and description for graph view #7
 - Change from dark to light color theme

0.18 2016-01-15T07:52:58+0100
 - Try to fix failing MSWin32 test

0.17 2016-01-13T21:36:27+0100
 - Fix unicode.t by bumping Mojolicious version #10
 - Cannot make empty paste
 - Non-existing paste will result in 404 instead of 500 #8
   Contributor: Stephan Jauernick
 - Use File::Spec to construct correct paths on all OS #8
   Contributor: Stephan Jauernick

0.16 2016-01-13T09:25:51+0100
 - Recommends JSON::Syck
 - Recommends Text::CSV
 - No need to encode/decode UTF-8 anymore

0.15 2015-04-30T10:17:13+0200
 - Change "Powered by" URL
 - Change styling for .morris-hover
 - Change 404 page to show that the paste could not be found.

0.14 2015-04-20T17:03:36+0200
 - Fix unit tests

0.13 2015-04-20T16:54:30+0200
 - SECURITY FIX! Cannot read ../../private/file #6
 - Capture chart errors
 - Will construct default ykeys from all chart elements

0.11 2015-04-20T15:15:43+0200
 - Can make charts using morris.js

0.10 2014-08-07T17:51:23Z
 - Fix button border styling, #2

0.09 2014-08-07T11:14:00Z
 - Add support for .txt as raw format
 - Add focus on textarea on load
 - Change to plain javascript (no jQuery)
 - New design with bottom navbar

0.08 2014-07-22T17:00:15Z
 - Compatible with Mojolicious 5.xx

0.07 2014-07-21T06:52:09Z
 - Compatible with Mojolicious 5.xx

0.06 2014-07-18T02:13:05Z
 - Change bugracker

0.0501 2014-05-30T08:02:31Z
 - Fix fragile test t/mojopaste.t

0.05 2013-12-31T19:39:07Z
 - Allow pasting without javascript enabled

0.0403 2013-09-09T16:27:19Z
 - Fix showing unicode characters

0.0402 2013-09-09T16:08:21Z
 - Fix pasting unicode characters

0.0401 2013-09-06T23:34:51Z
 - Fix Makefile.PL

0.04 2013-09-05T23:55:30Z
 - Fix including jquery.js from Mojo
 - Render as HTML5
 - Looks better on iPhone
 - Render 404 when paste is not found
 - Trying to trick the dumbest robots

0.03 2013-09-05T16:54:59Z
 - Fix typo in PREREQ_PM

0.02 2013-09-05T16:48:08Z
 - Fix repository path

0.01 2013-09-05T16:46:19Z
 - Add bin/mojopaste
 - Add documentation