package JSON::Validator;
use Mojo::Base -base;

use B;
use Carp 'confess';
use Exporter 'import';
use JSON::Validator::Error;
use JSON::Validator::Ref;
use JSON::Validator::Joi;
use Mojo::File 'path';
use Mojo::JSON::Pointer;
use Mojo::JSON;
use Mojo::Loader;
use Mojo::URL;
use Mojo::Util qw(url_unescape sha1_sum);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed refaddr);
use Time::Local ();

use constant CASE_TOLERANT     => File::Spec->case_tolerant;
use constant COLORS            => eval { require Term::ANSIColor };
use constant DEBUG             => $ENV{JSON_VALIDATOR_DEBUG};
use constant SPECIFICATION_URL => '';
use constant VALIDATE_HOSTNAME => eval 'require Data::Validate::Domain;1';
use constant VALIDATE_IP       => eval 'require Data::Validate::IP;1';

our $ERR;    # ugly hack to improve validation errors
our $VERSION = '2.14';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(joi validate_json);

my $BUNDLED_CACHE_DIR = path(path(__FILE__)->dirname, qw(Validator cache));
my $HTTP_SCHEME_RE = qr{^https?:};

sub D {
sub E { JSON::Validator::Error->new(@_) }
sub S { Mojo::Util::md5_sum(Data::Dumper->new([@_])->Sortkeys(1)->Useqq(1)->Dump) }

has cache_paths => sub { [split(/:/, $ENV{JSON_VALIDATOR_CACHE_PATH} || ''), $BUNDLED_CACHE_DIR] };
has formats     => sub { shift->_build_formats };
has version     => 4;

has ua => sub {
  require Mojo::UserAgent;
  my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;

sub bundle {
  my ($self, $args) = @_;
  my @topics = ([undef, my $bundle = {}]);
  my ($cloner, $tied);

  $topics[0][0] = $args->{schema} ? $self->_resolve($args->{schema}) : $self->schema->data;

  if ($args->{replace}) {
    $cloner = sub {
      my $from = shift;
      my $ref  = ref $from;
      $from = $tied->schema if $ref eq 'HASH' and $tied = tied %$from;
      my $to = $ref eq 'ARRAY' ? [] : $ref eq 'HASH' ? {} : $from;
      push @topics, [$from, $to] if $ref;
      return $to;
  else {
    my $ref_key = $args->{ref_key} || 'x-bundled';
    $bundle->{$ref_key} = $topics[0][0]{$ref_key} || {};
    $cloner = sub {
      my $from = shift;
      my $ref  = ref $from;

      if ($ref eq 'HASH' and my $tied = tied %$from) {
        my $ref_name = $tied->fqn;
        return $from if $ref_name =~ m!^\Q$self->{root_schema_url}\E\#!;

        if (-e $ref_name) {
          $ref_name = sprintf '%s-%s', substr(sha1_sum($ref_name), 0, 10),
        else {
          $ref_name =~ s![^\w-]!_!g;

        push @topics, [$tied->schema, $bundle->{$ref_key}{$ref_name} = {}];
        tie my %ref, 'JSON::Validator::Ref', $tied->schema, "#/$ref_key/$ref_name";
        return \%ref;

      my $to = $ref eq 'ARRAY' ? [] : $ref eq 'HASH' ? {} : $from;
      push @topics, [$from, $to] if $ref;
      return $to;

  while (@topics) {
    my ($from, $to) = @{shift @topics};
    if (ref $from eq 'ARRAY') {
      for (my $i = 0; $i < @$from; $i++) {
        $to->[$i] = $cloner->($from->[$i]);
    elsif (ref $from eq 'HASH') {
      while (my ($key, $value) = each %$from) {
        $to->{$key} //= $cloner->($from->{$key});

  return $bundle;

sub coerce {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{coerce} ||= {} unless @_;
    = $_[0] eq '1' ? {booleans => 1, numbers => 1, strings => 1} : ref $_[0] ? {%{$_[0]}} : {@_};

sub get {
  my ($self, $pointer) = @_;
  $pointer = [ref $pointer ? @$pointer : length $pointer ? split('/', $pointer, -1) : $pointer];
  shift @$pointer if @$pointer and defined $pointer->[0] and !length $pointer->[0];
  $self->_get($self->schema->data, $pointer, '');

sub _get {
  my ($self, $data, $path, $pos, $cb) = @_;
  my $tied;

  while (@$path) {
    my $p = shift @$path;

    unless (defined $p) {
      my $i = 0;
      return Mojo::Collection->new(map { $self->_get($_->[0], [@$path], _path($pos, $_->[1]), $cb) }
          ref $data eq 'ARRAY' ? map { [$_, $i++] }
          @$data : ref $data eq 'HASH' ? map { [$data->{$_}, $_] } sort keys %$data : [$data, '']);

    $p =~ s!~1!/!g;
    $p =~ s/~0/~/g;
    $pos = _path($pos, $p) if $cb;

    if (ref $data eq 'HASH' and exists $data->{$p}) {
      $data = $data->{$p};
    elsif (ref $data eq 'ARRAY' and $p =~ /^\d+$/ and @$data > $p) {
      $data = $data->[$p];
    else {
      return undef;

    $data = $tied->schema if ref $data eq 'HASH' and $tied = tied %$data;

  return $cb->($data, $pos) if $cb;
  return $data;

sub joi {
  return JSON::Validator::Joi->new unless @_;
  my ($data, $joi) = @_;
  return $joi->validate($data, $joi);

sub load_and_validate_schema {
  my ($self, $spec, $args) = @_;
  my $schema = $args->{schema} || SPECIFICATION_URL;
  $self->version($1) if !$self->{version} and $schema =~ /draft-0+(\w+)/;
  $spec = $self->_resolve($spec);
  my @errors = $self->new(%$self)->schema($schema)->validate($spec);
  confess join "\n", "Invalid JSON specification $spec:", map {"- $_"} @errors if @errors;
  $self->{schema} = Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new($spec);

sub schema {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{schema} unless @_;
  $self->{schema} = Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new($self->_resolve(shift));
  return $self;

sub singleton { state $validator = shift->new }

sub validate {
  my ($self, $data, $schema) = @_;
  $schema ||= $self->schema->data;
  return E '/', 'No validation rules defined.' unless $schema and %$schema;

  local $self->{grouped} = 0;
  local $self->{schema}  = Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new($schema);
  local $self->{seen}    = {};
  $self->{report} = [];
  my @errors = $self->_validate($data, '', $schema);
  $self->_report if DEBUG and REPORT;
  return @errors;

sub validate_json {

sub _build_formats {
  return {
    'date-time'     => \&_is_date_time,
    'email'         => \&_is_email,
    'hostname'      => VALIDATE_HOSTNAME ? \&Data::Validate::Domain::is_domain : \&_is_domain,
    'ipv4'          => VALIDATE_IP ? \&Data::Validate::IP::is_ipv4 : \&_is_ipv4,
    'ipv6'          => VALIDATE_IP ? \&Data::Validate::IP::is_ipv6 : \&_is_ipv6,
    'regex'         => \&_is_regex,
    'uri'           => \&_is_uri,
    'uri-reference' => \&_is_uri_reference,

sub _id_key { $_[0]->version < 7 ? 'id' : '$id' }

sub _load_schema {
  my ($self, $url) = @_;

  if ($url =~ m!^https?://!) {
    warn "[JSON::Validator] Loading schema from URL $url\n" if DEBUG;
    return $self->_load_schema_from_url(Mojo::URL->new($url)->fragment(undef)), "$url";

  if ($url =~ m!^data://([^/]+)/(.*)!) {
    my ($module, $file) = ($1, $2);
    warn "[JSON::Validator] Loading schema from data section: $url\n" if DEBUG;
    my $text = Mojo::Loader::data_section($module, $file)
      || confess "$file could not be found in __DATA__ section of $module.";
    return $self->_load_schema_from_text(\$text), "$url";

  if ($url =~ m!^\s*[\[\{]!) {
    warn "[JSON::Validator] Loading schema from string.\n" if DEBUG;
    return $self->_load_schema_from_text(\$url), '';

  my $file = $url;
  $file =~ s!#$!!;
  $file = path(split '/', $file);
  if (-e $file) {
    $file = $file->realpath;
    warn "[JSON::Validator] Loading schema from file: $file\n" if DEBUG;
    return $self->_load_schema_from_text(\$file->slurp), CASE_TOLERANT ? path(lc $file) : $file;
  elsif ($url =~ m!^/! and $self->ua->server->app) {
    warn "[JSON::Validator] Loading schema from URL $url\n" if DEBUG;
    return $self->_load_schema_from_url(Mojo::URL->new($url)->fragment(undef)), "$url";

  confess "Unable to load schema '$url' ($file)";

sub _load_schema_from_text {
  my ($self, $text) = @_;
  my $visit;

  # JSON
  return Mojo::JSON::decode_json($$text) if $$text =~ /^\s*\{/s;

  # YAML
  $visit = sub {
    my $v = shift;
    $visit->($_) for grep { ref $_ eq 'HASH' } values %$v;
    return $v unless $v->{type} and $v->{type} eq 'boolean' and exists $v->{default};
    %$v = (%$v, default => $v->{default} ? Mojo::JSON->true : Mojo::JSON->false);
    return $v;

  local $YAML::Syck::ImplicitTyping = 1;            # Not in use
  local $YAML::XS::Boolean          = 'JSON::PP';
  return $visit->($self->_yaml_module->can('Load')->($$text));

sub _load_schema_from_url {
  my ($self, $url) = @_;
  my $cache_path = $self->cache_paths->[0];
  my $cache_file = Mojo::Util::md5_sum("$url");
  my ($err, $tx);

  for (@{$self->cache_paths}) {
    my $path = path $_, $cache_file;
    next unless -r $path;
    warn "[JSON::Validator] Loading cached file $path\n" if DEBUG;
    return $self->_load_schema_from_text(\$path->slurp);

  $tx = $self->ua->get($url);
  $err = $tx->error && $tx->error->{message};
  confess "GET $url == $err" if DEBUG and $err;
  die "[JSON::Validator] GET $url == $err" if $err;

  if (  $cache_path
    and -w $cache_path)
    $cache_file = path $cache_path, $cache_file;
    warn "[JSON::Validator] Caching $url to $cache_file\n" unless $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE};

  return $self->_load_schema_from_text(\$tx->res->body);

sub _ref_to_schema {
  my ($self, $schema) = @_;

  my @guard;
  while (my $tied = tied %$schema) {
    push @guard, $tied->ref;
    confess "Seems like you have a circular reference: @guard" if @guard > RECURSION_LIMIT;
    $schema = $tied->schema;

  return $schema;

sub _register_schema {
  my ($self, $schema, $fqn) = @_;
  $fqn =~ s!(.)#$!$1!;
  $self->{schemas}{$fqn} = $schema;

sub _report {
  my $table = Mojo::Util::tablify($_[0]->{report});
  $table =~ s!^(\W*)(N?OK|<<<)(.*)!{
    my ($x, $y, $z) = ($1, $2, $3);
    my $c = $y eq 'OK' ? 'green' : $y eq '<<<' ? 'blue' : 'magenta';
    $c = "$c bold" if $z =~ /\s\w+Of\s/;
    Term::ANSIColor::colored([$c], "$x$y$z")
  }!gme if COLORS;
  warn "---\n$table";

sub _report_errors {
  my ($self, $path, $type, $errors) = @_;
  push @{$self->{report}},
    (('  ') x $self->{grouped}) . (@$errors ? 'NOK' : 'OK'),
    $path || '/',
    $type, join "\n", @$errors

sub _report_schema {
  my ($self, $path, $type, $schema) = @_;
  push @{$self->{report}}, [(('  ') x $self->{grouped}) . ('<<<'), $path || '/', $type, D $schema];

# _resolve() method is used to convert all "id" into absolute URLs and
# resolve all the $ref's that we find inside JSON Schema specification.
sub _resolve {
  my ($self, $schema) = @_;
  my $id_key = $self->_id_key;
  my ($id, $resolved, @refs);

  local $self->{level} = $self->{level} || 0;
  delete $_[0]->{schemas}{''} unless $self->{level};

  if (ref $schema eq 'HASH') {
    $id = $schema->{$id_key} // '';
    return $resolved if $resolved = $self->{schemas}{$id};
  elsif ($resolved = $self->{schemas}{$schema // ''}) {
    return $resolved;
  else {
    ($schema, $id) = $self->_load_schema($schema);
    $id = $schema->{$id_key} if $schema->{$id_key};

  unless ($self->{level}) {
    my $rid = $schema->{$id_key} // $id;
    if ($rid) {
      confess "Root schema cannot have a fragment in the 'id'. ($rid)" if $rid =~ /\#./;
      confess "Root schema cannot have a relative 'id'. ($rid)"
        unless $rid =~ /^\w+:/
        or -e $rid
        or $rid =~ m!^/!;
    warn sprintf "[JSON::Validator] Using root_schema_url of '$rid'\n" if DEBUG;
    $self->{root_schema_url} = $rid;

  $self->_register_schema($schema, $id);

  my @topics = ([$schema, UNIVERSAL::isa($id, 'Mojo::File') ? $id : Mojo::URL->new($id)]);
  while (@topics) {
    my ($topic, $base) = @{shift @topics};

    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($topic, 'ARRAY')) {
      push @topics, map { [$_, $base] } @$topic;
    elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($topic, 'HASH')) {
      push @refs, [$topic, $base] and next if $topic->{'$ref'} and !ref $topic->{'$ref'};

      if ($topic->{$id_key} and !ref $topic->{$id_key}) {
        my $fqn = Mojo::URL->new($topic->{$id_key});
        $fqn = $fqn->to_abs($base) unless $fqn->is_abs;
        $self->_register_schema($topic, $fqn->to_string);

      push @topics, map { [$_, $base] } values %$topic;

  # Need to register "id":"..." before resolving "$ref":"..."
  $self->_resolve_ref(@$_) for @refs;

  return $schema;

sub _location_to_abs {
  my ($location, $base) = @_;
  my $location_as_url = Mojo::URL->new($location);
  return $location_as_url if $location_as_url->is_abs;

  # definitely relative now
  if ($base->isa('Mojo::File')) {
    return $base if !length $location;
    return $base->sibling(split '/', $location)->realpath;
  return $location_as_url->to_abs($base);

sub _resolve_ref {
  my ($self, $topic, $url) = @_;
  return if tied %$topic;

  my $other = $topic;
  my ($location, $fqn, $pointer, $ref, @guard);

  while (1) {
    $ref = $other->{'$ref'};
    push @guard, $other->{'$ref'};
    confess "Seems like you have a circular reference: @guard" if @guard > RECURSION_LIMIT;
    last if !$ref or ref $ref;
    $fqn = $ref =~ m!^/! ? "#$ref" : $ref;
    ($location, $pointer) = split /#/, $fqn, 2;
    $url = $location = _location_to_abs($location, $url);
    $pointer = undef if length $location and !length $pointer;
    $pointer = url_unescape $pointer if defined $pointer;
    $fqn = join '#', grep defined, $location, $pointer;
    $other = $self->_resolve($location);

    if (defined $pointer and length $pointer) {
      $other = Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new($other)->get($pointer)
        or confess qq[Possibly a typo in schema? Could not find "$pointer" in "$location" ($ref)];

  tie %$topic, 'JSON::Validator::Ref', $other, $topic->{'$ref'}, $fqn;

sub _validate {
  my ($self, $data, $path, $schema) = @_;
  my ($seen_addr, $type, @errors);

  $schema = $self->_ref_to_schema($schema) if $schema->{'$ref'};
  $seen_addr = refaddr $schema;
  $seen_addr .= ':' . (ref $data ? refaddr $data : "s:$data") if defined $data;

  # Avoid recursion
  if ($self->{seen}{$seen_addr}) {
    $self->_report_schema($path || '/', 'seen', $schema) if REPORT;
    return @{$self->{seen}{$seen_addr}};

  $self->{seen}{$seen_addr} = \@errors;

  # Make sure we validate plain data and not a perl object
  $data = $data->TO_JSON if blessed $data and UNIVERSAL::can($data, 'TO_JSON');
  $type = $schema->{type} || _guess_schema_type($schema, $data);

  # Test base schema before allOf, anyOf or oneOf
  if (ref $type eq 'ARRAY') {
    push @errors, $self->_validate_any_of($data, $path, [map { +{%$schema, type => $_} } @$type]);
  elsif ($type) {
    my $method = sprintf '_validate_type_%s', $type;
    $self->_report_schema($path || '/', $type, $schema);
    @errors = $self->$method($data, $path, $schema);
    $self->_report_errors($path, $type, \@errors) if REPORT;
    return @errors if @errors;

  if ($schema->{enum}) {
    push @errors, $self->_validate_type_enum($data, $path, $schema);
    $self->_report_errors($path, 'enum', \@errors) if REPORT;
    return @errors if @errors;

  if (my $rules = $schema->{not}) {
    push @errors, $self->_validate($data, $path, $rules);
    $self->_report_errors($path, 'not', \@errors) if REPORT;
    return @errors ? () : (E $path, 'Should not match.');

  if (my $rules = $schema->{allOf}) {
    push @errors, $self->_validate_all_of($data, $path, $rules);
  elsif ($rules = $schema->{anyOf}) {
    push @errors, $self->_validate_any_of($data, $path, $rules);
  elsif ($rules = $schema->{oneOf}) {
    push @errors, $self->_validate_one_of($data, $path, $rules);

  return @errors;

sub _validate_all_of {
  my ($self, $data, $path, $rules) = @_;
  my $type = _guess_data_type($data);
  my (@errors, @expected);

  $self->_report_schema($path, 'allOf', $rules) if REPORT;

  my $i = 0;
  for my $rule (@$rules) {
    my @e = $self->_validate($data, $path, $rule) or next;
    my $schema_type = _guess_schema_type($rule);
    push @errors, [$i, @e] and next if !$schema_type or $schema_type eq $type;
    push @expected, $schema_type;
  continue {


  $self->_report_errors($path, 'allOf', \@errors) if REPORT;
  my $expected = join ' or ', _uniq(@expected);
  return E $path, "/allOf Expected $expected, not $type."
    if $expected and @errors + @expected == @$rules;
  return _add_path_to_error_messages(allOf => @errors) if @errors;

sub _validate_any_of {
  my ($self, $data, $path, $rules) = @_;
  my $type = _guess_data_type($data);
  my (@e, @errors, @expected);

  $self->_report_schema($path, 'anyOf', $rules) if REPORT;

  my $i = 0;
  for my $rule (@$rules) {
    @e = $self->_validate($data, $path, $rule);
    if (!@e) {
      $self->_report_errors($path, 'anyOf', \@errors) if REPORT;
    my $schema_type = _guess_schema_type($rule);
    push @errors, [$i, @e] and next if !$schema_type or $schema_type eq $type;
    push @expected, $schema_type;
  continue {


  $self->_report_errors($path, 'anyOf', \@errors) if REPORT;
  my $expected = join ' or ', _uniq(@expected);
  return E $path, "/anyOf Expected $expected, got $type." unless @errors;
  return _add_path_to_error_messages(anyOf => @errors);

sub _validate_one_of {
  my ($self, $data, $path, $rules) = @_;
  my $type = _guess_data_type($data);
  my (@errors, @expected);

  $self->_report_schema($path, 'oneOf', $rules) if REPORT;

  my $i = 0;
  for my $rule (@$rules) {
    my @e = $self->_validate($data, $path, $rule) or next;
    my $schema_type = _guess_schema_type($rule);
    push @errors, [$i, @e] and next if !$schema_type or $schema_type eq $type;
    push @expected, $schema_type;
  continue {


  if (REPORT) {
    my @e
      = @errors + @expected + 1 == @$rules ? ()
      : @errors                            ? @errors
      :                                      'All of the oneOf rules match.';
    $self->_report_errors($path, 'oneOf', \@e);

  return if @errors + @expected + 1 == @$rules;
  my $expected = join ' or ', _uniq(@expected);
  return E $path, "All of the oneOf rules match."         unless @errors + @expected;
  return E $path, "/oneOf Expected $expected, got $type." unless @errors;
  return _add_path_to_error_messages(oneOf => @errors);

sub _validate_type_enum {
  my ($self, $data, $path, $schema) = @_;
  my $enum = $schema->{enum};
  my $m    = S $data;

  for my $i (@$enum) {
    return if $m eq S $i;

  local $" = ', ';
  return E $path, sprintf 'Not in enum list: %s.', join ', ',
    map { (!defined or ref) ? Mojo::JSON::encode_json($_) : $_ } @$enum;

sub _validate_type_const {
  my ($self, $data, $path, $schema) = @_;
  my $const = $schema->{const};
  my $m     = S $data;

  return if $m eq S $const;
  return E $path, sprintf 'Does not match const: %s.', Mojo::JSON::encode_json($const);

sub _validate_format {
  my ($self, $value, $path, $schema) = @_;
  my $code = $self->formats->{$schema->{format}};
  local $ERR;
  return if $code and $code->($value);
  return do { warn "Format rule for '$schema->{format}' is missing"; return } unless $code;
  return E $path, $ERR || "Does not match $schema->{format} format.";

sub _validate_type_any { }

sub _validate_type_array {
  my ($self, $data, $path, $schema) = @_;
  my @errors;

  if (ref $data ne 'ARRAY') {
    return E $path, _expected(array => $data);
  if (defined $schema->{minItems} and $schema->{minItems} > @$data) {
    push @errors, E $path, sprintf 'Not enough items: %s/%s.', int @$data, $schema->{minItems};
  if (defined $schema->{maxItems} and $schema->{maxItems} < @$data) {
    push @errors, E $path, sprintf 'Too many items: %s/%s.', int @$data, $schema->{maxItems};
  if ($schema->{uniqueItems}) {
    my %uniq;
    for (@$data) {
      next if !$uniq{S($_)}++;
      push @errors, E $path, 'Unique items required.';
  if (ref $schema->{items} eq 'ARRAY') {
    my $additional_items = $schema->{additionalItems} // {type => 'any'};
    my @v = @{$schema->{items}};

    if ($additional_items) {
      push @v, $additional_items while @v < @$data;

    if (@v == @$data) {
      for my $i (0 .. @v - 1) {
        push @errors, $self->_validate($data->[$i], "$path/$i", $v[$i]);
    elsif (!$additional_items) {
      push @errors, E $path, sprintf "Invalid number of items: %s/%s.", int(@$data), int(@v);
  elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($schema->{items}, 'HASH')) {
    for my $i (0 .. @$data - 1) {
      push @errors, $self->_validate($data->[$i], "$path/$i", $schema->{items});

  return @errors;

sub _validate_type_boolean {
  my ($self, $value, $path, $schema) = @_;

  return if _is_blessed_boolean($value);

  if (  defined $value
    and $self->{coerce}{booleans}
    (B::svref_2object(\$value)->FLAGS & (B::SVp_IOK | B::SVp_NOK) or $value =~ /^(true|false)$/))
    $_[1] = $value ? Mojo::JSON->true : Mojo::JSON->false;

  return E $path, _expected(boolean => $value);

sub _validate_type_integer {
  my ($self, $value, $path, $schema) = @_;
  my @errors = $self->_validate_type_number($value, $path, $schema, 'integer');

  return @errors if @errors;
  return if $value =~ /^-?\d+$/;
  return E $path, "Expected integer - got number.";

sub _validate_type_null {
  my ($self, $value, $path, $schema) = @_;

  return E $path, 'Not null.' if defined $value;

sub _validate_type_number {
  my ($self, $value, $path, $schema, $expected) = @_;
  my @errors;

  $expected ||= 'number';

  if (!defined $value or ref $value) {
    return E $path, _expected($expected => $value);
  unless (B::svref_2object(\$value)->FLAGS & (B::SVp_IOK | B::SVp_NOK)
    and 0 + $value eq $value
    and $value * 0 == 0)
    return E $path, "Expected $expected - got string."
      if !$self->{coerce}{numbers} or $value !~ /^-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?$/;
    $_[1] = 0 + $value;    # coerce input value

  if ($schema->{format}) {
    push @errors, $self->_validate_format($value, $path, $schema);
  if (my $e = _cmp($schema->{minimum}, $value, $schema->{exclusiveMinimum}, '<')) {
    push @errors, E $path, "$value $e minimum($schema->{minimum})";
  if (my $e = _cmp($value, $schema->{maximum}, $schema->{exclusiveMaximum}, '>')) {
    push @errors, E $path, "$value $e maximum($schema->{maximum})";
  if (my $d = $schema->{multipleOf}) {
    if (($value / $d) =~ /\.[^0]+$/) {
      push @errors, E $path, "Not multiple of $d.";

  return @errors;

sub _validate_type_object {
  my ($self, $data, $path, $schema) = @_;
  my %required = map { ($_ => 1) } @{$schema->{required} || []};
  my ($additional, @errors, %rules);

  if (ref $data ne 'HASH') {
    return E $path, _expected(object => $data);

  my @dkeys = sort keys %$data;
  if (defined $schema->{maxProperties} and $schema->{maxProperties} < @dkeys) {
    push @errors, E $path, sprintf 'Too many properties: %s/%s.', int @dkeys,
  if (defined $schema->{minProperties} and $schema->{minProperties} > @dkeys) {
    push @errors, E $path, sprintf 'Not enough properties: %s/%s.', int @dkeys,

  while (my ($k, $r) = each %{$schema->{properties}}) {
    push @{$rules{$k}}, $r;
  while (my ($p, $r) = each %{$schema->{patternProperties} || {}}) {
    push @{$rules{$_}}, $r for sort grep { $_ =~ /$p/ } @dkeys;

  $additional = exists $schema->{additionalProperties} ? $schema->{additionalProperties} : {};
  if ($additional) {
    $additional = {} unless UNIVERSAL::isa($additional, 'HASH');
    $rules{$_} ||= [$additional] for @dkeys;
  elsif (my @k = grep { !$rules{$_} } @dkeys) {
    local $" = ', ';
    return E $path, "Properties not allowed: @k.";

  for my $k (sort keys %required) {
    next if exists $data->{$k};
    push @errors, E _path($path, $k), 'Missing property.';
    delete $rules{$k};

  for my $k (sort keys %rules) {
    for my $r (@{$rules{$k}}) {
      next unless exists $data->{$k};
      my @e = $self->_validate($data->{$k}, _path($path, $k), $r);
      push @errors, @e;
      push @errors, $self->_validate_type_enum($data->{$k}, _path($path, $k), $r)
        if $r->{enum} and !@e;
      push @errors, $self->_validate_type_const($data->{$k}, _path($path, $k), $r)
        if $r->{const} and !@e;

  return @errors;

sub _validate_type_string {
  my ($self, $value, $path, $schema) = @_;
  my @errors;

  if (!defined $value or ref $value) {
    return E $path, _expected(string => $value);
  if (  B::svref_2object(\$value)->FLAGS & (B::SVp_IOK | B::SVp_NOK)
    and 0 + $value eq $value
    and $value * 0 == 0)
    return E $path, "Expected string - got number." unless $self->{coerce}{strings};
    $_[1] = "$value";    # coerce input value
  if ($schema->{format}) {
    push @errors, $self->_validate_format($value, $path, $schema);
  if (defined $schema->{maxLength}) {
    if (length($value) > $schema->{maxLength}) {
      push @errors, E $path, sprintf "String is too long: %s/%s.", length($value),
  if (defined $schema->{minLength}) {
    if (length($value) < $schema->{minLength}) {
      push @errors, E $path, sprintf "String is too short: %s/%s.", length($value),
  if (defined $schema->{pattern}) {
    my $p = $schema->{pattern};
    unless ($value =~ /$p/) {
      push @errors, E $path, "String does not match '$p'";

  return @errors;

# FUNCTIONS ==================================================================

sub _add_path_to_error_messages {
  my ($type, @errors_with_index) = @_;
  my @errors;

  for my $e (@errors_with_index) {
    my $index = shift @$e;
    push @errors, map {
      my $msg = sprintf '/%s/%s %s', $type, $index, $_->{message};
      $msg =~ s!(\d+)\s/!$1/!g;
      E $_->path, $msg;
    } @$e;

  return @errors;

sub _cmp {
  return undef if !defined $_[0] or !defined $_[1];
  return "$_[3]=" if $_[2] and $_[0] >= $_[1];
  return $_[3] if $_[0] > $_[1];
  return "";

sub _expected {
  my $type = _guess_data_type($_[1]);
  return "Expected $_[0] - got different $type." if $_[0] =~ /\b$type\b/;
  return "Expected $_[0] - got $type.";

sub _guess_data_type {
  local $_ = $_[0];
  my $ref     = ref;
  my $blessed = blessed $_;
  return 'object' if $ref eq 'HASH';
  return lc $ref if $ref and !$blessed;
  return 'null' if !defined;
  return 'boolean' if $blessed and ("$_" eq "1" or !"$_");
  return 'number'
    if B::svref_2object(\$_)->FLAGS & (B::SVp_IOK | B::SVp_NOK)
    and 0 + $_ eq $_
    and $_ * 0 == 0;
  return $blessed || 'string';

sub _guess_schema_type {
  return $_[0]->{type} if $_[0]->{type};
  return _guessed_right($_[1], 'object') if $_[0]->{additionalProperties};
  return _guessed_right($_[1], 'object') if $_[0]->{patternProperties};
  return _guessed_right($_[1], 'object') if $_[0]->{properties};
  return _guessed_right($_[1], 'object') if $_[0]->{required};
  return _guessed_right($_[1], 'object')
    if defined $_[0]->{maxProperties}
    or defined $_[0]->{minProperties};
  return _guessed_right($_[1], 'array')  if $_[0]->{additionalItems};
  return _guessed_right($_[1], 'array')  if $_[0]->{items};
  return _guessed_right($_[1], 'array')  if $_[0]->{uniqueItems};
  return _guessed_right($_[1], 'array')  if defined $_[0]->{maxItems} or defined $_[0]->{minItems};
  return _guessed_right($_[1], 'string') if $_[0]->{pattern};
  return _guessed_right($_[1], 'string')
    if defined $_[0]->{maxLength}
    or defined $_[0]->{minLength};
  return _guessed_right($_[1], 'number') if $_[0]->{multipleOf};
  return _guessed_right($_[1], 'number') if defined $_[0]->{maximum} or defined $_[0]->{minimum};
  return 'const' if $_[0]->{const};
  return undef;

sub _guessed_right {
  return $_[1] unless defined $_[0];
  return _guess_data_type($_[0]) eq $_[1] ? $_[1] : undef;

sub _invalid {
  $ERR = $_[0];
  warn sprintf "[JSON::Validator] Failed validation: $_[0]\n" if DEBUG;
  return 0;

sub _is_date_time {
  my @time = $_[0]
    =~ m!^(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)[T ](\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d(?:\.\d+)?)(?:Z|([+-])(\d+):(\d+))?$!io;
  return 0 unless @time;
  @time = map { s/^0//; $_ } reverse @time[0 .. 5];
  $time[4] -= 1;    # month are zero based
  local $@;
  return eval { Time::Local::timegm(@time); 1 } || 0;

sub _is_domain { warn "Data::Validate::Domain is not installed"; return; }

sub _is_email {
  state $email_rfc5322_re = do {
    my $atom           = qr;[a-zA-Z0-9_!#\$\%&'*+/=?\^`{}~|\-]+;o;
    my $quoted_string  = qr/"(?:\\[^\r\n]|[^\\"])*"/o;
    my $domain_literal = qr/\[(?:\\[\x01-\x09\x0B-\x0c\x0e-\x7f]|[\x21-\x5a\x5e-\x7e])*\]/o;
    my $dot_atom       = qr/$atom(?:[.]$atom)*/o;
    my $local_part     = qr/(?:$dot_atom|$quoted_string)/o;
    my $domain         = qr/(?:$dot_atom|$domain_literal)/o;


  return $_[0] =~ $email_rfc5322_re;

sub _is_ipv4 {
  my (@octets) = $_[0] =~ /^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/;
  return 4 == grep { $_ >= 0 && $_ <= 255 && $_ !~ /^0\d{1,2}$/ } @octets;

sub _is_ipv6 { warn "Data::Validate::IP is not installed"; return; }

sub _is_blessed_boolean {
  return 0 if !blessed $_[0];
  return 1 if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'JSON::PP::Boolean') or "$_[0]" eq "1" or !$_[0];
  return 0;

sub _is_regex {
  eval {qr{$_[0]}};

sub _is_uri {
  return unless defined $_[0];
  return unless $_[0] =~ m!^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?!;

  my ($scheme, $auth_host, $path, $query, $fragment) = map { $_ // '' } ($2, $4, $5, $7, $9);

  return _invalid('Scheme missing from URI.') if length $auth_host and !length $scheme;
  return _invalid('Scheme, path or fragment are required.')
    unless length($scheme) + length($path) + length($fragment);
  return _invalid('Scheme must begin with a letter.')
    if length $scheme and lc($scheme) !~ m!^[a-z][a-z0-9\+\-\.]*$!;
  return _invalid('Invalid hex escape.')           if $_[0] =~ /%[^0-9a-f]/i;
  return _invalid('Hex escapes are not complete.') if $_[0] =~ /%[0-9a-f](:?[^0-9a-f]|$)/i;

  if (defined $auth_host and length $auth_host) {
    return _invalid('Path cannot be empty or begin with a /')
      unless !length $path or $path =~ m!^/!;
  else {
    return _invalid('Path cannot not start with //.') if $path =~ m!^//!;

  return 1;

sub _is_uri_reference {
  return unless defined $_[0];
  return unless $_[0] =~ m!^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?!;

  my ($scheme, $auth_host, $path, $query, $fragment) = map { $_ // '' } ($2, $4, $5, $7, $9);
  return _invalid('Path cannot not start with //.') if $path =~ m!^//!;
  return 1 if length $path;
  return _is_uri($_[0]);
  return 1;

sub _path {
  local $_ = $_[1];

sub _uniq {
  my %uniq;
  grep { !$uniq{$_}++ } @_;

# Please report if you need to manually monkey patch this function
sub _yaml_module {
  state $yaml_module = eval qq[use YAML::XS 0.67; "YAML::XS"]
    || die "[JSON::Validator] The optional YAML::XS module is missing or could not be loaded: $@";


=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

JSON::Validator - Validate data against a JSON schema

=head1 VERSION



  use JSON::Validator;
  my $validator = JSON::Validator->new;

  # Define a schema -
  # You can also load schema from disk or web
      type       => "object",
      required   => ["firstName", "lastName"],
      properties => {
        firstName => {type => "string"},
        lastName  => {type => "string"},
        age       => {type => "integer", minimum => 0, description => "Age in years"}

  # Validate your data
  @errors = $validator->validate({firstName => "Jan Henning", lastName => "Thorsen", age => -42});

  # Do something if any errors was found
  die "@errors" if @errors;


L<JSON::Validator> is a class for validating data against JSON schemas.
You might want to use this instead of L<JSON::Schema> if you need to
validate data against L<draft 4|>
of the specification.

This module can be used standalone, but if you want to define a specification
for your webserver's API, then have a look at L<Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI>,
which will replace L<Mojolicious::Plugin::Swagger2>.

=head2 Supported schema formats

L<JSON::Validator> can load JSON schemas in multiple formats: Plain perl data
structured (as shown in L</SYNOPSIS>), JSON or YAML. The JSON parsing is done
with L<Mojo::JSON>, while YAML files require the optional module L<YAML::XS> to
be installed.

IMPORTANT! L<YAML::Syck> is not supported in L<JSON::Validator> 2.00. Only
L<YAML::XS> is supported, since it has proper boolean handling. Look for
C<$YAML::XS::Boolean> in the documentation to see what is recognized as

=head2 Resources

Here are some resources that are related to JSON schemas and validation:

=over 4

=item * L<>

=item * L<>

=item * L<>

=item * L<Swagger2>


=head2 Bundled specifications

This module comes with some JSON specifications bundled, so your application
don't have to fetch those from the web. These specifications should be up to
date, but please submit an issue if they are not.

Files referenced to an URL will automatically be cached if the first element in
L</cache_paths> is a writable directory. Note that the cache headers for the
remote assets are B<not> honored, so you will manually need to remove any
cached file, should you need to refresh them.

To download and cache an online asset, do this:

  JSON_VALIDATOR_CACHE_PATH=/some/writable/directory perl

Here is the list of the bundled specifications:

=over 2

=item * JSON schema, draft 4, 6, 7

Web page: L<>

C<$ref>: L<>,

=item * JSON schema for JSONPatch files

Web page: L<>

C<$ref>: L<>

=item * Swagger / OpenAPI specification, version 2

Web page: L<>

C<$ref>: L<>

=item * Custom error document

There is a custom schema used by L<Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI> as a default
error document. This document might be extended later, but it will always be
backward compatible.

Specification: L<>

C<$ref>: L<>.

=item * Swagger Petstore

This is used for unit tests, and should probably not be relied on by external



=head2 Overview

The method L</validate> and the function L</validate_json> returns
error objects when the input data violates the L</schema>. Each of
the objects looks like this:

  bless {
    message => "Some description",
    path => "/json/path/to/node",
  }, "JSON::Validator::Error"

See also L<JSON::Validator::Error>.

=head2 Operators

The error object overloads the following operators:

=over 4

=item * bool

Returns a true value.

=item * string

Returns the "path" and "message" part as a string: "$path: $message".


=head2 Special cases

Have a look at the L<test suite|>
for documented examples of the error cases. Especially look at C<jv-allof.t>,
C<jv-anyof.t> and C<jv-oneof.t>.

The special cases for "allOf", "anyOf" and "oneOf" will contain the error messages
from all the failing rules below. It can be a bit hard to read, so if the error message
is long, then you might want to run a smaller test with C<JSON_VALIDATOR_DEBUG=1>.

Example error object:

  bless {
    message => "(String is too long: 8/5. String is too short: 8/12)",
    path => "/json/path/to/node",
  }, "JSON::Validator::Error"

Note that these error messages are subject for change. Any suggestions are most


=head2 joi

  use JSON::Validator "joi";
  my $joi = joi;
  my @errors = joi($data, $joi); # same as $joi->validate($data);

Used to construct a new L<JSON::Validator::Joi> object or perform validation.

Note that this function iS EXPERIMENTAL. See L<JSON::Validator::Joi> for more

=head2 validate_json

  use JSON::Validator "validate_json";
  @errors = validate_json $data, $schema;

This can be useful in web applications:

  @errors = validate_json $c->req->json, "data://main/spec.json";

See also L</validate> and L</ERROR OBJECT> for more details.


=head2 cache_paths

  $self = $self->cache_paths(\@paths);
  $array_ref = $self->cache_paths;

A list of directories to where cached specifications are stored. Defaults to
C<JSON_VALIDATOR_CACHE_PATH> environment variable and the specs that is bundled
with this distribution.

C<JSON_VALIDATOR_CACHE_PATH> can be a list of directories, each separated by ":".

See L</Bundled specifications> for more details.

=head2 formats

  $hash_ref = $self->formats;
  $self = $self->formats(\%hash);

Holds a hash-ref, where the keys are supported JSON type "formats", and
the values holds a code block which can validate a given format.

Note! The modules mentioned below are optional.

=over 4

=item * date-time

An RFC3339 timestamp in UTC time. This is formatted as
"YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffZ". The milliseconds portion (".fff") is optional

=item * email

Validated against the RFC5322 spec.

=item * hostname

Will be validated using L<Data::Validate::Domain> if installed.

=item * ipv4

Will be validated using L<Data::Validate::IP> if installed or
fall back to a plain IPv4 IP regex.

=item * ipv6

Will be validated using L<Data::Validate::IP> if installed.

=item * regex

EXPERIMENTAL. Will check if the string is a regex, using C<qr{...}>.

=item * uri

Validated against the RFC3986 spec.


=head2 ua

  $ua = $self->ua;
  $self = $self->ua(Mojo::UserAgent->new);

Holds a L<Mojo::UserAgent> object, used by L</schema> to load a JSON schema
from remote location.

Note that the default L<Mojo::UserAgent> will detect proxy settings and have
L<Mojo::UserAgent/max_redirects> set to 3. (These settings are EXPERIMENTAL
and might change without a warning)

=head2 version

  $int = $self->version;
  $self = $self->version(7);

Used to set the JSON Schema version to use. Will be set automatically when
using L</load_and_validate_schema>, unless already set.

Note that this attribute is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without a warning.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 bundle

  $schema = $self->bundle(\%args);

Used to create a new schema, where the C<$ref> are resolved. C<%args> can have:

=over 2

=item * C<{replace => 1}>

Used if you want to replace the C<$ref> inline in the schema. This currently
does not work if you have circular references. The default is to move all the
C<$ref> definitions into the main schema with custom names. Here is an example
on how a C<$ref> looks before and after:

     => {"$ref":"#/definitions/____some_place_json-_foo_bar"}

     => {"$ref":"#/definitions/_http___example_com-_foo_bar"}

=item * C<{schema => {...}}>

Default is to use the value from the L</schema> attribute.


=head2 coerce

  $self = $self->coerce(booleans => 1, numbers => 1, strings => 1);
  $self = $self->coerce({booleans => 1, numbers => 1, strings => 1});
  $hash = $self->coerce;

Set the given type to coerce. Before enabling coercion this module is very
strict when it comes to validating types. Example: The string C<"1"> is not
the same as the number C<1>, unless you have coercion enabled.

Loading a YAML document will enable "booleans" automatically. This feature is
experimental, but was added since YAML has no real concept of booleans, such
as L<Mojo::JSON> or other JSON parsers.

The coercion rules are EXPERIMENTAL and will be tighten/loosen if
bugs are reported. See L<>
for more details.

=head2 get

  $sub_schema = $self->get("/x/y");
  $sub_schema = $self->get(["x", "y"]);

Extract value from L</schema> identified by the given JSON Pointer. Will at the
same time resolve C<$ref> if found. Example:

  $self->schema({x => {'$ref' => '#/y'}, y => {'type' => 'string'}});
  $self->schema->get('/x')           == undef
  $self->schema->get('/x')->{'$ref'} == '#/y'
  $self->get('/x')                   == {type => 'string'}

This method is EXPERIMENTAL.

The argument can also be an array-ref with the different parts of the pointer
as each elements.

=head2 load_and_validate_schema

  $self = $self->load_and_validate_schema($schema, \%args);

Will load and validate C<$schema> against the OpenAPI specification. C<$schema>
can be anything L<JSON::Validator/schema> accepts. The expanded specification
will be stored in L<JSON::Validator/schema> on success. See
L<JSON::Validator/schema> for the different version of C<$url> that can be

C<%args> can be used to further instruct the validation process:

=over 2

=item * schema

Defaults to "", but can be any
structured that can be used to validate C<$schema>.


=head2 schema

  $self = $self->schema($json_or_yaml_string);
  $self = $self->schema($url);
  $self = $self->schema(\%schema);
  $schema = $self->schema;

Used to set a schema from either a data structure or a URL.

C<$schema> will be a L<Mojo::JSON::Pointer> object when loaded,
and C<undef> by default.

The C<$url> can take many forms, but needs to point to a text file in the
JSON or YAML format.

=over 4

=item * http://... or https://...

A web resource will be fetched using the L<Mojo::UserAgent>, stored in L</ua>.

=item * data://Some::Module/

This version will use L<Mojo::Loader/data_section> to load "" from
the module "Some::Module".

=item * /path/to/file

An URL (without a recognized scheme) will be loaded from disk.


=head2 singleton

  $self = $class->singleton;

Returns the L<JSON::Validator> object used by L</validate_json>.

=head2 validate

  @errors = $self->validate($data);
  @errors = $self->validate($data, $schema);

Validates C<$data> against a given JSON L</schema>. C<@errors> will
contain validation error objects or be an empty list on success.

See L</ERROR OBJECT> for details.

C<$schema> is optional, but when specified, it will override schema stored in
L</schema>. Example:

  $self->validate({hero => "superwoman"}, {type => "object"});


Copyright (C) 2014-2015, Jan Henning Thorsen

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jan Henning Thorsen - C<>

Daniel Böhmer - C<>

Ed J - C<>

Kevin Goess - C<>

Martin Renvoize - C<>
