package JSON::Validator::Joi; use Mojo::Base -base; use Mojo::JSON qw(false true); use Mojo::Util; # Avoid "Subroutine redefined" warnings require JSON::Validator; has enum => sub { +[] }; has [qw(format max min multiple_of regex)] => undef; has type => 'object'; for my $attr (qw(required strict unique)) { Mojo::Util::monkey_patch(__PACKAGE__, $attr => sub { $_[0]->{$attr} = $_[1] // 1; $_[0]; }); } sub alphanum { shift->_type('string')->regex('^\w*$') } sub boolean { shift->type('boolean') } sub compile { my $self = shift; my $merged = {}; for (ref $self->type eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$self->type} : $self->type) { my $method = "_compile_$_"; my $compiled = $self->$method; @$merged{keys %$compiled} = values %$compiled; } return $merged; } sub date_time { shift->_type('string')->format('date-time') } sub email { shift->_type('string')->format('email') } sub extend { my ($self, $by) = @_; die "Cannot extend joi '@{[$self->type]}' by '@{[$by->type]}'" unless $self->type eq $by->type; my $clone = shift->new(%$self, %$by); if ($self->type eq 'object') { $clone->{properties}{$_} ||= $self->{properties}{$_} for keys %{$self->{properties} || {}}; } return $clone; } sub array { shift->type('array') } sub integer { shift->type('integer') } sub iso_date { shift->date_time } sub items { $_[0]->{items} = $_[1]; $_[0] } sub length { shift->min($_[0])->max($_[0]) } sub lowercase { shift->_type('string')->regex('^\p{Lowercase}*$') } sub negative { shift->_type('number')->max(0) } sub number { shift->type('number') } sub object { shift->type('object') } sub pattern { shift->regex(@_) } sub positive { shift->number->min(0) } sub props { my $self = shift->type('object'); my %properties = ref $_[0] ? %{$_[0]} : @_; while (my ($name, $property) = each %properties) { push @{$self->{required}}, $name if $property->{required}; $self->{properties}{$name} = $property->compile; } return $self; } sub string { shift->type('string') } sub token { shift->_type('string')->regex('^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$') } sub uppercase { shift->_type('string')->regex('^\p{Uppercase}*$') } sub uri { shift->_type('string')->format('uri') } sub validate { my ($self, $data) = @_; state $jv = JSON::Validator->new->coerce(1); return $jv->validate($data, $self->compile); } sub _compile_array { my $self = shift; my $json = {type => $self->type}; $json->{additionalItems} = false if $self->{strict}; $json->{items} = $self->{items} if $self->{items}; $json->{maxItems} = $self->{max} if defined $self->{max}; $json->{minItems} = $self->{min} if defined $self->{min}; $json->{uniqueItems} = true if $self->{unique}; return $json; } sub _compile_boolean { +{type => 'boolean'} } sub _compile_integer { shift->_compile_number } sub _compile_null { {type => shift->type} } sub _compile_number { my $self = shift; my $json = {type => $self->type}; $json->{enum} = $self->{enum} if defined $self->{enum} and @{$self->{enum}}; $json->{maximum} = $self->{max} if defined $self->{max}; $json->{minimum} = $self->{min} if defined $self->{min}; $json->{multipleOf} = $self->{multiple_of} if defined $self->{multiple_of}; return $json; } sub _compile_object { my $self = shift; my $json = {type => $self->type}; $json->{additionalProperties} = false if $self->{strict}; $json->{maxProperties} = $self->{max} if defined $self->{max}; $json->{minProperties} = $self->{min} if defined $self->{min}; $json->{patternProperties} = $self->{regex} if $self->{regex}; $json->{properties} = $self->{properties} if ref $self->{properties} eq 'HASH'; $json->{required} = $self->{required} if ref $self->{required} eq 'ARRAY'; return $json; } sub _compile_string { my $self = shift; my $json = {type => $self->type}; $json->{enum} = $self->{enum} if defined $self->{enum} and @{$self->{enum}}; $json->{format} = $self->{format} if defined $self->{format}; $json->{maxLength} = $self->{max} if defined $self->{max}; $json->{minLength} = $self->{min} if defined $self->{min}; $json->{pattern} = $self->{regex} if defined $self->{regex}; return $json; } sub _type { $_[0]->{type} = $_[1] unless $_[0]->{type}; return $_[0]; } sub TO_JSON { shift->compile } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME JSON::Validator::Joi - Joi validation sugar for JSON::Validator =head1 SYNOPSIS use JSON::Validator "joi"; my @errors = joi( { name => "Jan Henning", age => 34, email => "", }, joi->object->props( age => joi->integer->min(0)->max(200), email => joi->regex(".@.")->required, name => joi->string->min(1), ) ); die "@errors" if @errors; =head1 DESCRIPTION L<JSON::Validator::Joi> is an elegant DSL schema-builder. The main purpose is to build a L<JSON Schema|> for L<JSON::Validator>, but it can also validate data directly with sane defaults. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 enum my $joi = $joi->enum(["foo", "bar"]); my $array_ref = $joi->enum; Defines a list of enum values for L</integer>, L</number> and L</string>. =head2 format my $joi = $joi->format("email"); my $str = $joi->format; Used to set the format of the L</string>. See also L</iso_date>, L</email> and L</uri>. =head2 max my $joi = $joi->max(10); my $int = $joi->max; =over 2 =item * array Defines the max number of items in the array. =item * integer, number Defined the max value. =item * object Defines the max number of items in the object. =item * string Defines how long the string can be. =back =head2 min my $joi = $joi->min(10); my $int = $joi->min; =over 2 =item * array Defines the minimum number of items in the array. =item * integer, number Defined the minimum value. =item * object Defines the minimum number of items in the object. =item * string Defines how short the string can be. =back =head2 multiple_of my $joi = $joi->multiple_of(3); my $int = $joi->multiple_of; Used by L</integer> and L</number> to define what the number must be a multiple of. =head2 regex my $joi = $joi->regex("^\w+$"); my $str = $joi->regex; Defines a pattern that L</string> will be validated against. =head2 type my $joi = $joi->type("string"); my $joi = $joi->type([qw(null integer)]); my $any = $joi->type; Sets the required type. This attribute is set by the convenience methods L</array>, L</integer>, L</object> and L</string>, but can be set manually if you need to check against a list of type. =head1 METHODS =head2 TO_JSON Alias for L</compile>. =head2 alphanum my $joi = $joi->alphanum; Sets L</regex> to "^\w*$". =head2 array my $joi = $joi->array; Sets L</type> to "array". =head2 boolean my $joi = $joi->boolean; Sets L</type> to "boolean". =head2 compile my $hash_ref = $joi->compile; Will convert this object into a JSON-Schema data structure that L<JSON::Validator/schema> understands. =head2 date_time my $joi = $joi->date_time; Sets L</format> to L<date-time|JSON::Validator/date-time>. =head2 email my $joi = $joi->email; Sets L</format> to L<email|JSON::Validator/email>. =head2 extend my $new_joi = $joi->extend($joi); Will extend C<$joi> with the definitions in C<$joi> and return a new object. =head2 iso_date Alias for L</date_time>. =head2 integer my $joi = $joi->integer; Sets L</type> to "integer". =head2 items my $joi = $joi->items($joi); my $joi = $joi->items([$joi, ...]); Defines a list of items for the L</array> type. =head2 length my $joi = $joi->length(10); Sets both L</min> and L</max> to the number provided. =head2 lowercase my $joi = $joi->lowercase; Will set L</regex> to only match lower case strings. =head2 negative my $joi = $joi->negative; Sets L</max> to C<0>. =head2 number my $joi = $joi->number; Sets L</type> to "number". =head2 object my $joi = $joi->object; Sets L</type> to "object". =head2 pattern Alias for L</regex>. =head2 positive my $joi = $joi->positive; Sets L</min> to C<0>. =head2 props my $joi = $joi->props(name => JSON::Validator::Joi->new->string, ...); Used to define properties for an L</object> type. Each key is the name of the parameter and the values must be a L<JSON::Validator::Joi> object. =head2 required my $joi = $joi->required; Marks the current property as required. =head2 strict my $joi = $joi->strict; Sets L</array> and L</object> to not allow any more items/keys than what is defined. =head2 string my $joi = $joi->string; Sets L</type> to "string". =head2 token my $joi = $joi->token; Sets L</regex> to C<^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$>. =head2 validate my @errors = $joi->validate($data); Used to validate C<$data> using L<JSON::Validator/validate>. Returns a list of L<JSON::Validator::Error|JSON::Validator/ERROR OBJECT> objects on invalid input. =head2 unique my $joi = $joi->unique; Used to force the L</array> to only contain unique items. =head2 uppercase my $joi = $joi->uppercase; Will set L</regex> to only match upper case strings. =head2 uri my $joi = $joi->uri; Sets L</format> to L<uri|JSON::Validator/uri>. =head1 SEE ALSO L<JSON::Validator> L<>. =cut