package JSON::Validator::Store; use Mojo::Base -base; use Mojo::Exception; use Mojo::File qw(path); use Mojo::JSON; use Mojo::JSON::Pointer; use Mojo::UserAgent; use Mojo::Util qw(url_unescape); use JSON::Validator::Schema; use JSON::Validator::URI qw(uri); use JSON::Validator::Util qw(data_section str2data); use Scalar::Util qw(blessed); use constant DEBUG => $ENV{JSON_VALIDATOR_DEBUG} && 1; use constant BUNDLED_PATH => path(path(__FILE__)->dirname, 'cache')->to_string; use constant CASE_TOLERANT => File::Spec->case_tolerant; die $@ unless eval q(package JSON::Validator::Exception; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Exception'; 1); has cache_paths => sub { [split(/:/, $ENV{JSON_VALIDATOR_CACHE_PATH} || ''), BUNDLED_PATH] }; has schemas => sub { +{} }; has ua => sub { my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new; $ua->proxy->detect; return $ua->max_redirects(3); }; sub add { my ($self, $id, $schema) = @_; $id =~ s!(.)#$!$1!; $self->schemas->{$id} = $schema; return $id; } sub exists { my ($self, $id) = @_; return undef unless defined $id; $id =~ s!(.)#$!$1!; return $self->schemas->{$id} && $id; } sub get { my ($self, $id) = @_; return undef unless defined $id; $id =~ s!(.)#$!$1!; return $self->schemas->{$id}; } sub load { return $_[0]->_load_from_url($_[1]) || $_[0]->_load_from_data($_[1]) || $_[0]->_load_from_text($_[1]) || $_[0]->_load_from_file($_[1]) || $_[0]->_load_from_app($_[1]) || $_[0]->get($_[1]) || _raise(qq(Unable to load schema "$_[1]".)); } sub resolve { my ($self, $ref, $curr) = @_; $curr //= {base_url => ''}; my ($base_url, $fragment) = split '#', $ref; my $abs_url = uri($base_url)->fragment($fragment); $abs_url = uri $abs_url, $curr->{base_url} if $curr->{base_url} and !$abs_url->is_abs; $fragment = '' unless defined $fragment; $base_url ||= $curr->{base_url} || ''; warn "[JSON::Validator] Resolve curr: ref=$ref,@{[map qq($_=$curr->{$_}), sort keys %$curr]}\n" if DEBUG; my $state = {base_url => $base_url, fragment => $fragment, source => 'unknown'}; if (defined(my $schema = $self->schemas->{$abs_url})) { @$state{qw(base_url id root schema source)} = ($abs_url, $abs_url, $schema, $schema, 'schema/abs_url'); } elsif (defined(my $root = $self->schemas->{$base_url})) { @$state{qw(base_url id root source)} = ($base_url, $base_url, $root, 'schema/base_url'); } elsif ($base_url) { $base_url = uri $base_url, $curr->{base_url} if $curr->{base_url}; my $id = $self->load($base_url); @$state{qw(base_url id root source)} = ($id, $id, $self->get($id), 'load'); $state->{root} = $self->get($id); } else { @$state{qw(id root source)} = ('', $curr->{root}, 'root'); } $fragment =~ s!%2f!~1!; # / $fragment =~ s!%7e!~0!; # ~ $fragment = url_unescape $fragment; $state->{schema} //= length $fragment ? Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new($state->{root})->get($fragment) : $state->{root}; _raise(qq[Unable to resolve "$ref" from "$state->{base_url}". ($state->{source})]) unless defined $state->{schema}; $state->{$_} //= $curr->{$_} for keys %$curr; # pass on original information warn "[JSON::Validator] Resolve state: @{[map qq($_=$state->{$_}), sort keys %$state]}\n" if DEBUG; return $state; } sub _add { my ($self, $id, $schema) = @_; $id = $self->add($id => $schema); if (ref $schema eq 'HASH') { return $schema->{'$id'} ? $self->add($schema->{'$id'} => $schema) : $schema->{id} ? $self->add($schema->{id} => $schema) : $id; } return $id; } sub _load_from_app { return undef unless $_[1] =~ m!^/!; my ($self, $url) = @_; my $id; return undef unless $self->ua->server->app; return undef if blessed $url and !$url->can('scheme'); return $id if $id = $self->exists($url); my $tx = $self->ua->get($url); my $err = $tx->error && $tx->error->{message}; _raise("GET $url: $err") if $err; warn "[JSON::Validator] Load from app $url\n" if DEBUG; return $self->_add($url => str2data $tx->res->body); } sub _load_from_data { return undef unless $_[1] =~ m!^data://([^/]*)/(.*)!; my ($self, $url) = @_; my $id; return $id if $id = $self->exists($url); my ($class, $file) = ($1, $2); # data://([^/]*)/(.*) my $text = data_section $class, $file, {encoding => 'UTF-8'}; _raise("Could not find $url") unless $text; warn "[JSON::Validator] Load from data $file in $class\n" if DEBUG; return $self->_add($url => str2data $text); } sub _load_from_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; $file =~ s!^file://!!; $file =~ s!#$!!; $file = path(split '/', url_unescape $file); return undef unless -e $file; $file = $file->realpath; my $id = uri()->new->scheme('file')->host('')->path(CASE_TOLERANT ? lc $file : "$file"); warn "[JSON::Validator] Load from file $file\n" if DEBUG; return $self->exists($id) || $self->_add($id => str2data $file->slurp); } sub _load_from_text { my ($self, $text) = @_; my $is_scalar_ref = ref $text eq 'SCALAR'; return undef unless $is_scalar_ref or $text =~ m!^\s*(?:---|\{)!s; my $id = uri->from_data($is_scalar_ref ? $$text : $text); warn "[JSON::Validator] Load from text $id\n" if DEBUG; return $self->exists($id) || $self->_add($id => str2data $is_scalar_ref ? $$text : $text); } sub _load_from_url { return undef unless $_[1] =~ m!^https?://!; my ($self, $url) = @_; my $id; return $id if $id = $self->exists($url); $url = uri($url)->fragment(undef); return $id if $id = $self->exists($url); my $cache_path = $self->cache_paths->[0]; my $cache_file = Mojo::Util::md5_sum("$url"); for (@{$self->cache_paths}) { my $path = path $_, $cache_file; warn "[JSON::Validator] Load from cache $path\n" if DEBUG and -r $path; return $self->_add($url => str2data $path->slurp) if -r $path; } my $tx = $self->ua->get($url); my $err = $tx->error && $tx->error->{message}; _raise("GET $url: $err") if $err; if ($cache_path and $cache_path ne BUNDLED_PATH and -w $cache_path) { $cache_file = path $cache_path, $cache_file; $cache_file->spurt($tx->res->body); } warn "[JSON::Validator] Load from URL $url\n" if DEBUG; return $self->_add($url => str2data $tx->res->body); } sub _raise { die JSON::Validator::Exception->new(@_)->trace } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME JSON::Validator::Store - Load and caching JSON schemas =head1 SYNOPSIS use JSON::Validator; my $jv = JSON::Validator->new; $jv->store->add("urn:uuid:ee564b8a-7a87-4125-8c96-e9f123d6766f" => {...}); $jv->store->load(""); =head1 DESCRIPTION L<JSON::Validator::Store> is a class for loading and caching JSON-Schemas. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 cache_paths my $store = $store->cache_paths(\@paths); my $array_ref = $store->cache_paths; A list of directories to where cached specifications are stored. Defaults to C<JSON_VALIDATOR_CACHE_PATH> environment variable and the specs that is bundled with this distribution. C<JSON_VALIDATOR_CACHE_PATH> can be a list of directories, each separated by ":". See L<JSON::Validator/Bundled specifications> for more details. =head2 schemas my $hash_ref = $store->schemas; my $store = $store->schemas({}); Hold the schemas as data structures. The keys are schema "id". =head2 ua my $ua = $store->ua; my $store = $store->ua(Mojo::UserAgent->new); Holds a L<Mojo::UserAgent> object, used by L</schema> to load a JSON schema from remote location. The default L<Mojo::UserAgent> will detect proxy settings and have L<Mojo::UserAgent/max_redirects> set to 3. =head1 METHODS =head2 add my $normalized_id = $store->add($id => \%schema); Used to add a schema data structure. Note that C<$id> might not be the same as C<$normalized_id>. =head2 exists my $normalized_id = $store->exists($id); Returns a C<$normalized_id> if it is present in the L</schemas>. =head2 get my $schema = $store->get($normalized_id); Used to retrieve a C<$schema> added by L</add> or L</load>. =head2 load my $normalized_id = $store->load('https://...'); my $normalized_id = $store->load('data://main/foo.json'); my $normalized_id = $store->load('---\nid: yaml'); my $normalized_id = $store->load('{"id":"yaml"}'); my $normalized_id = $store->load(\$text); my $normalized_id = $store->load('/path/to/foo.json'); my $normalized_id = $store->load('file:///path/to/foo.json'); my $normalized_id = $store->load('/load/from/ua-server-app'); Can load a C<$schema> from many different sources. The input can be a string or a string-like object, and the L</load> method will try to resolve it in the order listed in above. Loading schemas from C<$text> will generate an C<$normalized_id> in L</schemas> looking like "urn:text:$text_checksum". This might change in the future! Loading files from disk will result in a C<$normalized_id> that always start with "file://". Loading can also be done with relative path, which will then load from: $store->ua->server->app; This method is EXPERIMENTAL, but unlikely to change significantly. =head2 resolve $hash_ref = $store->resolve($url, \%defaults); Takes a C<$url> (can also be a file, urn, ...) with or without a fragment and returns this structure about the schema: { base_url => $str, # the part before the fragment in the $url fragment => $str, # fragment part of the $url id => $str, # store ID root => ..., # the root schema schema => ..., # the schema inside "root" if fragment is present } This method is EXPERIMENTAL and can change without warning. =head1 SEE ALSO L<JSON::Validator>. =cut