Revision history for perl distribution Mojo-Netdata
0.02 2022-01-30T17:56:13+0900
- Add support for reading config from /etc/netdata/mojo.conf.d/
- Renamed "class" key with "collector"
- Rewrote the HTTP collector
* Add support for custom "dimension" name
* Changed "jobs" into an array-ref
* Removed support for "direct_ip"
* The "Host" header can be used as default "family"
- Improved default context() for Mojo::Netdata::Chart
to make it easier to define alarms using "template"
- Removed context() from Mojo::Netdata::Collector
0.01 2022-01-27T11:30:42+0900
- Add Mojo::Netdata
- Add Mojo::Netdata::Chart
- Add Mojo::Netdata::Collector
- Add Mojo::Netdata::Collector::HTTP