package Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin'; use Mojo::ByteStream; use Mojo::Util (); use Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Asset; use Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Preprocessors; use Cwd (); use File::Basename (); use File::Path (); use File::Spec (); use constant NO_CACHE => $ENV{MOJO_ASSETPACK_NO_CACHE} || 0; use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MOJO_ASSETPACK_DEBUG} || 0; our $VERSION = '0.54'; has base_url => '/packed/'; has minify => 0; has preprocessors => sub { Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Preprocessors->new }; has out_dir => ''; has _app => undef; has _ua => sub { require Mojo::UserAgent; Mojo::UserAgent->new(max_redirects => 3); }; sub add { my ($self, $moniker, @files) = @_; return $self->tap(sub { $self->{files}{$moniker} = \@files }) if NO_CACHE; return $self->tap(sub { $self->_assets($moniker => $self->_process($moniker, @files)) }) if $self->minify; return $self->tap(sub { $self->_assets($moniker => $self->_process_many($moniker, @files)) }); } sub fetch { my $self = shift; $self->_handler('https')->asset_for(shift, $self)->in_memory(!$self->out_dir)->save->path; } sub get { my ($self, $moniker, $args) = @_; my $assets = $self->_assets($moniker); die "Asset '$moniker' is not defined." unless @$assets; return @$assets if $args->{assets}; return map { $_->slurp } @$assets if $args->{inline}; return map { $self->base_url . $_->basename } @$assets; } sub preprocessor { my ($self, $name, $args) = @_; my $class = $name =~ /::/ ? $name : "Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Preprocessor::$name"; my $preprocessor; $args->{extensions} or die "Usage: \$self->preprocessor(\$name => {extensions => [...]})"; eval "require $class;1" or die "Could not load $class: $@\n"; $preprocessor = $class->new($args); for my $ext (@{$args->{extensions}}) { warn "[ASSETPACK] Adding $class preprocessor.\n" if DEBUG; $self->preprocessors->on($ext => $preprocessor); } return $self; } sub register { my ($self, $app, $config) = @_; my $helper = $config->{helper} || 'asset'; if (eval { $app->$helper }) { return $app->log->debug("AssetPack: Helper $helper() is already registered."); } $self->{assets} = {}; $self->{processed} = {}; $self->_app($app); $self->_ua->server->app($app); $self->minify($config->{minify} // $app->mode ne 'development'); $self->out_dir($self->_build_out_dir($config, $app)); $self->base_url($config->{base_url}) if $config->{base_url}; $self->_reloader($app, $config->{reloader}) if $config->{reloader}; if (NO_CACHE) { $app->log->info('AssetPack Will rebuild assets on each request in memory'); $self->out_dir(''); $self->_assets_from_memory($app); } elsif (!$self->out_dir) { $app->log->warn('AssetPack will store assets in memory'); $self->_assets_from_memory($app); } $app->helper( $helper => sub { return $self if @_ == 1; return shift, $self->add(@_) if @_ > 2 and ref $_[2] ne 'HASH'; return $self->_inject(@_); } ); } sub _asset { my ($self, $name) = @_; my $asset = $self->{asset}{$name} ||= Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Asset->new; $asset->path(File::Spec->catfile($self->out_dir, $name)) unless $asset->path; $asset; } sub _assets { my ($self, $moniker, @assets) = @_; $self->{assets}{$moniker} = \@assets if @assets; $self->{assets}{$moniker} || []; } sub _assets_from_memory { my ($self, $app) = @_; $app->hook( before_routes => sub { my $c = shift; my $path = $c->req->url->path; return if $c->req->is_handshake or $c->res->code; return unless $path->[1] and 0 == index "$path", $self->base_url; return unless my $asset = $c->asset->_asset($path->[1]); return if $asset->{internal}; $c->res->headers->last_modified(Mojo::Date->new($^T)) ->content_type($c->app->types->type($asset->path =~ /\.(\w+)$/ ? $1 : 'txt') || 'text/plain'); $c->reply->asset($asset); } ); } sub _build_out_dir { my ($self, $config, $app) = @_; my $out_dir = $config->{out_dir}; if ($out_dir) { my $static_dir = Cwd::abs_path(File::Spec->catdir($out_dir, File::Spec->updir)); push @{$app->static->paths}, $static_dir unless grep { $_ eq $static_dir } @{$app->static->paths}; } elsif (!defined $out_dir) { for my $path (@{$app->static->paths}) { next unless -w $path; $out_dir = File::Spec->catdir($path, 'packed'); last; } } File::Path::make_path($out_dir) if $out_dir and !-d $out_dir; return $out_dir // ''; } sub _find { my $needle = pop; my $self = shift; my @path = @_; # avoid matching .swp files $needle = qr{^$needle$} unless ref $needle; for my $path (map { File::Spec->catdir($_, @path) } @{$self->_app->static->paths}) { opendir my $DH, $path or next; for (readdir $DH) { /$needle/ and return $self->_asset($_)->path(Cwd::abs_path(File::Spec->catfile($path, $_)))->in_memory(0); } } return undef; } sub _handler { my ($self, $moniker) = @_; $self->{handler}{$moniker} ||= do { my $class = "Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Handler::" . ucfirst $moniker; eval "require $class;1" or die "Could not load $class: $@\n"; $class->new; }; } sub _inject { my ($self, $c, $moniker, $args, @attrs) = @_; my $tag_helper = $moniker =~ /\.js/ ? 'javascript' : 'stylesheet'; if (NO_CACHE) { $self->_assets($moniker => $self->_process_many($moniker, @{$self->{files}{$moniker} || []})); } eval { if ($args->{inline}) { return $c->$tag_helper(@attrs, sub { join "\n", $self->get($moniker, $args) }); } else { return Mojo::ByteStream->new(join "\n", map { $c->$tag_helper($_, @attrs) } $self->get($moniker, $args)); } 1; } or do { $self->_app->log->error($@); return Mojo::ByteStream->new(qq(<!-- Asset '$moniker' is not defined\. -->)); }; } sub _make_error_asset { my ($self, $moniker, $file, $err) = @_; $err =~ s!\r!!g; $err =~ s!\n+$!!; $err = "$file: $err"; if ($moniker =~ /\.js$/) { $err =~ s!'!"!g; $err =~ s!\n!\\n!g; $err =~ s!\s! !g; return "alert('$err');console.log('$err');"; } else { $err =~ s!"!'!g; $err =~ s!\n!\\A!g; $err =~ s!\s! !g; return qq(html:before{background:#f00;color:#fff;font-size:14pt;position:absolute;padding:20px;z-index:9999;content:"$err";}); } } sub _process { my ($self, $moniker, @sources) = @_; my ($name, $ext) = (_name($moniker), _ext($moniker)); my ($asset, $file, $re, @checksum); @sources = map { my $asset = $self->_source_for_url($_); push @checksum, $self->preprocessors->checksum(_ext($_), \$asset->slurp, $asset->path); $asset; } @sources; @checksum = (Mojo::Util::md5_sum(join '', @checksum)) if @checksum > 1; $file = $self->minify ? "$name-$checksum[0].min.$ext" : "$name-$checksum[0].$ext"; $re = $self->minify ? qr{^$name-$checksum[0](\.min)?\.$ext$} : qr{^$name-$checksum[0]\.$ext$}; if ($asset = $self->_find('packed', $re)) { $self->_app->log->debug("Using existing asset for $moniker") if DEBUG; return $asset; } $asset = $self->{asset}{$file} = Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Asset->new; $asset->in_memory(1)->path(File::Spec->catfile($self->out_dir, $file)); for my $source (@sources) { eval { my $content = $source->slurp; $self->preprocessors->process(_ext($source->path), $self, \$content, $source->path); $asset->content($asset->content . $content); 1; } or do { my $e = $@; warn "[ASSETPACK] process(@{[$source->path]}) FAIL $e\n" if DEBUG; $asset->path(File::Spec->catfile($self->out_dir, "$name-$checksum[0].err.$ext")); $asset->content($self->_make_error_asset($moniker, $source->basename, $e || 'Unknown error')); last; }; } $asset->in_memory(!$self->out_dir)->save; $self->_app->log->info("Built asset for $moniker"); $asset; } sub _process_many { my ($self, $moniker, @files) = @_; my $ext = _ext($moniker); map { my $name = _name($_); $self->_process("$name.$ext" => $_) } @files; } sub _reloader { my ($self, $app, $config) = @_; my $reloader = $self->_asset('reloader.js'); return if !$config->{enabled} and $app->mode ne 'development'; warn "[ASSETPACK] Adding reloader asset and route\n" if DEBUG; $reloader->path('reloader.js')->{internal} = 1; $self->{assets}{'reloader.js'} = [$reloader]; push @{$app->renderer->classes}, __PACKAGE__; $app->routes->get('/packed/reloader')->to(template => 'packed/reloader', strategy => 'document', %$config); $app->routes->websocket('/packed/reloader/ws')->to( cb => sub { shift->on(message => sub { shift->send('pong'); }); } )->name(''); } sub _source_for_url { my $self = shift; my $url = Mojo::URL->new(shift); my $asset; if (my $scheme = $url->scheme) { $asset = $self->_handler($scheme)->asset_for($url, $self)->in_memory(!$self->out_dir)->save; } else { $asset = $self->_find(split '/', $url) || $self->_handler('https')->asset_for($url, $self); } return $asset; } # utils sub _ext { local $_ = File::Basename::basename($_[0]); /\.(\w+)$/ ? $1 : 'unknown'; } sub _name { local $_ = $_[0]; return do { s![^\w-]!_!g; $_ } if /^https?:/; $_ = File::Basename::basename($_); /^(.*)\./ ? $1 : $_; } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack - Compress and convert css, less, sass, javascript and coffeescript files =head1 VERSION 0.54 =head1 SYNOPSIS =head2 Application use Mojolicious::Lite; # load plugin plugin "AssetPack"; # define assets: $moniker => @real_assets app->asset('app.js' => '/js/foo.js', '/js/bar.js', '/js/'); app->start; See also L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Manual::Assets> for more details on how to define assets. =head2 Template %= asset 'app.js' %= asset 'app.css' See also L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Manual::Include> for more details on how to include assets. =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack> is a L<Mojolicious> plugin which can be used to cram multiple assets of the same type into one file. This means that if you have a lot of CSS files (.css, .less, .sass, ...) as input, the AssetPack can make one big CSS file as output. This is good, since it will often speed up the rendering of your page. The output file can even be minified, meaning you can save bandwidth and browser parsing time. The core preprocessors that are bundled with this module can handle CSS and JavaScript files, written in many languages. =head1 MANUALS The documentation is split up in different manuals, for more in-depth information: =over 4 =item * See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Manual::Assets> for how to define assets in your application. =item * See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Manual::Include> for how to include the assets in the template. =item * See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Manual::Modes> for how AssetPack behaves in different modes. =item * See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Manual::CustomDomain> for how to serve your assets from a custom host. =item * See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Preprocessors> for details on the different (official) preprocessors. =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT =head2 MOJO_ASSETPACK_DEBUG Set this to get extra debug information to STDERR from AssetPack internals. =head2 MOJO_ASSETPACK_NO_CACHE If true, convert the assets each time they're expanded, instead of once at application start (useful for development). =head1 HELPERS =head2 asset This plugin defined the helper C<asset()>. This helper can be called in different ways: =over 4 =item * $self = $c->asset; This will return the plugin instance, that you can call methods on. =item * $c->asset($moniker => @real_files); See L</add>. =item * $bytestream = $c->asset($moniker, \%args, @attr); Used to include an asset in a template. =back =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 base_url $app->plugin("AssetPack" => {base_url => "/packed/"}); $str = $self->base_url; This attribute can be used to control where to serve static assets from. Defaults value is "/packed/". See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Manual::CustomDomain> for more details. NOTE! You need to have a trailing "/" at the end of the string. =head2 minify $bool = $self->minify; $app->plugin("AssetPack" => {minify => $bool}); Set this to true if the assets should be minified. Default is false in "development" L<mode|Mojolicious/mode> and true otherwise. See also L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Manual::Modes>. =head2 preprocessors $obj = $self->preprocessors; Holds a L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Preprocessors> object. =head2 out_dir $str = $self->out_dir; $app->plugin("AssetPack" => {out_dir => $str}); Holds the path to the directory where packed files can be written. Defaults to empty string if no directory can be found, which again results in keeping all packed files in memory. =head1 METHODS =head2 add $self->add($moniker => @real_files); Used to define assets. See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Manual::Assets> for mode details. =head2 fetch $path = $self->fetch($url); This method can be used to fetch an asset and store the content to a local file. The download will be skipped if the file already exists. The return value is the absolute path to the downloaded file. =head2 get @files = $self->get($moniker); Returns a list of files which the moniker point to. The list will only contain one file if L</minify> is true. See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Manual::Include/Full control> for mode details. =head2 preprocessor $self = $self->preprocessor($name => \%args); Use this method to manually register a preprocessor. See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Preprocessor::Browserify/SYNOPSIS> for example usage. =head2 register plugin AssetPack => { base_url => $str, # default to "/packed" minify => $bool, # compress assets out_dir => "/path/to/some/directory", }; Will register the C<compress> helper. All L<arguments|/ATTRIBUTES> are optional. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014, Jan Henning Thorsen. This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. =head1 AUTHOR Jan Henning Thorsen - C<> Alexander Rymasheusky Per Edin - C<> Viktor Turskyi =cut __DATA__ @@ packed/reloader.js.ep ;window.addEventListener('load', function(e) { var xhr, socket, t, reloaded = 0; var connect = function() { socket = new WebSocket('<%= url_for('')->userinfo(undef)->to_abs %>'.replace(/^http/, 'ws')); socket.onopen = function(e) { if (reloaded++) { xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'document';'GET', window.location.href); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState != 4) return; if (window.console) console.log('[AssetPack] Replacing <head>...</head>'); document.head.innerHTML = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].innerHTML; }; xhr.send(null); } t = setInterval(function() { socket.send('ping'); }, 5000); } socket.onclose = function() { if (t) clearTimeout(t); if (window.console) console.log('[AssetPack] Reloading with strategy "<%= $strategy %>" (' + reloaded + ')'); if ('<%= $strategy %>' == 'document') { return window.location = window.location.href; } else { setTimeout(function() { connect() }, 500); } }; }; connect(); });