package Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Pipe::Png;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Pipe';
use Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Util qw(diag DEBUG);

has app      => 'pngquant';
has app_args => sub {
  my $self = shift;
  return [DEBUG ? () : ('-quiet'), qw(-clobber -preserve $input)]
    if $self->app eq 'optipng';
  return [DEBUG ? ('-v') : (), qw(--speed 2 -)] if $self->app eq 'pngquant';
  return [];

sub process {
  my ($self, $assets) = @_;
  my $store = $self->assetpack->store;
  my $file;

  return $assets->each(
    sub {
      my ($asset, $index) = @_;
      my $attrs = $asset->TO_JSON;
      $attrs->{key} = sprintf '%s-min', $self->app;
      $attrs->{minified} = 1;
      return if $asset->format ne 'png' or $asset->minified;
      return unless $self->assetpack->minify;
      return $asset->content($file)->minified(1) if $file = $store->load($attrs);
      diag 'Process "%s", with checksum %s.', $asset->url, $attrs->{checksum} if DEBUG;
      $asset->content($store->save($self->_run_app($asset), $attrs))->FROM_JSON($attrs);

sub _install_optipng {
  my $self  = shift;
  my $class = ref $self;
  my $app   = $^O eq 'darwin' ? 'brew' : 'apt-get';    # not very nice
  die "$class requires '$app install optipng'";

sub _install_pngquant {
  my $self  = shift;
  my $class = ref $self;
  my $app   = $^O eq 'darwin' ? 'brew' : 'apt-get';    # not very nice
  die "$class requires '$app install pngquant'";


=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Pipe::Png - Crush PNG image files


=head2 Application

  plugin AssetPack => {pipes => ["Png"]};

  # Forces the use of "optipng -clobber -preserve $input"

  # Forces the use of "pngquant --speed 2 -"

  # Set custom application arguments:
  app->asset->pipe("Png")->app("pngquant")->app_args([qw(--speed 10 --ordered -)]);


L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Pipe::Png> can be used to crush "png" image

This plugin has default settings for "pngquant" (default) and "optipng". Which
will be the default in the future is unknown, so force the one you want in case
that matters.

This pipe is EXPERIMENTAL. Feedback wanted.

TODO: Detect which application is installed and use the best available.

TODO: Add support for pngcrush.


=head2 app

  $str = $self->app;
  $self = $self->app("pngquant");

Can be used to set a custom application.

=head2 app_args

  $array = $self->app_args;
  $self = $self->app_args([qw(-clobber $input)]);

Can be used to set custom L</app> arguments. The special C<$input> string in
the argument list will be replaced with the path to a temp file holding the
image data.

If no C<$input> element is found in the L</app_args> list, then STDIN and
STDOUT will be used instead.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 process

See L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Pipe/process>.

=head1 SEE ALSO

