Revision history for perl distribution Mojolicious-Plugin-Bootstrap3
3.3600 2015-11-27T19:39:16+0100
- Merged with Bootstrap v3.3.6
- Can include just jQuery #7
3.3505 2015-09-28T07:44:01+0200
- Require Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack 0.67
3.3504 2015-09-27T15:46:40+0200
- Fix non-existing directory t/public for t/without-jquery.t
3.3503 2015-09-25T16:56:30+0200
- Compatible with Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack 0.65
3.3502 2015-08-29T10:20:22+0200
- Bundle new assets after release of AssetPack 0.62 #6
3.3501 2015-08-09T14:54:56+0200
- Made this plugin depend on Mojolicious again
3.3500 2015-08-09T14:33:17+0200
- Merged with Bootstrap v3.3.5
- Will use source_paths() from Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack 0.58
3.3007 2015-04-18T13:14:02+0200
- Improved documentation
- Compatible with AssetPack 0.44
3.3006 2015-03-16T13:52:31Z
- Add support for easy customization
- Merged with Bootstrap v3.3.3
- Add support for themes
3.2005 2014-10-10T09:46:03Z
- Will not run 00-copy.t on install
- Fix fonts location
3.2004 2014-10-09T15:13:47Z
- Require AssetPack 0.31 to function properly without Sass
3.2003 2014-10-08T21:57:02Z
- Rewrote module (Same API)
- Require AssetPack 0.30
3.2002 2014-10-07T00:20:37Z
- Require AssetPack 0.26
3.2001 2014-10-05T22:44:30Z
- Require AssetPack 0.24
3.2000 2014-08-08T11:18:36Z
- Add for visual verification
- Merged with Bootstrap v3.2.0
3.1007 2014-03-22T19:17:31Z
- Fix popover.js require tooltip.js
3.1006 2014-03-22T18:29:52Z
- Fix documentation
3.1005 2014-03-22T18:10:14Z
- Fix unittests
3.1004 2014-03-22T15:53:57Z
- Fix missing _field-with-error.scss file
3.1003 2014-03-22T15:32:02Z
- Add _field-with-error.scss
3.1002 2014-03-08T19:03:05Z
- Fix missing "t/public/packed" directory
3.1001 2014-03-07T14:28:50Z
- Started project
- Bundled Bootstrap 3.1.1 as packed and unpacked
- Bundled