Revision history for perl distribution Mojolicious-Plugin-FontAwesome4
4.2005 2015-09-27T15:47:16+0200
- Compatible with Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack 0.67
4.2004 2014-10-18T11:08:34Z
- Accidentally deleted Mojolicious::Plugin::FontAwesome4 from CPAN
4.2003 2014-10-10T10:01:27Z
- Fix fonts location
4.2002 2014-10-09T16:44:56Z
- Require AssetPack 0.31
4.2001 2014-09-28T22:09:58Z
- Forgot to update dependency with AssetPack 0.24
4.2000 2014-09-28T22:08:48Z
- Updated to Font-Awesome v4.2.0
- Fix unit test
4.1000 2014-08-29T17:23:52Z
- Converted into