package Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI::SpecRenderer; use Mojo::Base -base; use Mojo::JSON; use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MOJO_OPENAPI_DEBUG} || 0; use constant MARKDOWN => eval 'require Text::Markdown;1'; sub register { my ($self, $app, $openapi, $config) = @_; if ($config->{render_specification} // 1) { my $spec_route = $openapi->route->get('/')->to(cb => sub { shift->openapi->render_spec }); my $name = $config->{spec_route_name} || $openapi->validator->get('/x-mojo-name'); $spec_route->name($name) if $name; push @{$app->renderer->classes}, __PACKAGE__ unless $app->{'openapi.render_specification'}++; } if ($config->{render_specification_for_paths} // 1) { $app->plugins->once(openapi_routes_added => sub { $self->_add_documentation_routes(@_) }); } $app->helper('openapi.render_spec' => \&_render_spec); } sub _add_documentation_routes { my ($self, $openapi, $routes) = @_; my %dups; for my $route (@$routes) { my $route_path = $route->to_string; next if $dups{$route_path}++; my $openapi_path = $route->to->{'openapi.path'}; my $doc_route = $openapi->route->options($route->pattern->unparsed, {'openapi.default_options' => 1}); $doc_route->to(cb => sub { _render_spec(shift, $openapi_path) }); $doc_route->name(join '_', $route->name, 'openapi_documentation') if $route->name; warn "[OpenAPI] Add route options $route_path (@{[$doc_route->name // '']})\n" if DEBUG; } } sub _markdown { return Mojo::ByteStream->new(MARKDOWN ? Text::Markdown::markdown($_[0]) : $_[0]); } sub _render_spec { my ($c, $path) = @_; my $self = Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI::_self($c); my $spec = $self->{bundled} ||= $self->validator->bundle; my $format = $c->stash('format') || 'json'; my $method = $c->param('method'); if (defined $path) { $spec = $spec->{paths}{$path}; return $c->render(json => $spec) unless $method; my $method_spec = $self->validator->get([paths => $path => $method]); return $c->render(json => undef, status => 404) unless $method_spec; local $method_spec->{parameters} = [@{$spec->{parameters} || []}, @{$method_spec->{parameters} || []}]; return $c->render(json => $method_spec); } local $spec->{basePath} = $c->url_for($spec->{basePath}); local $spec->{host} = $c->req->url->to_abs->host_port; return $c->render(json => $spec) unless $format eq 'html'; return $c->render( handler => 'ep', template => 'mojolicious/plugin/openapi/layout', esc => sub { local $_ = shift; s/\W/-/g; $_ }, markdown => \&_markdown, serialize => \&_serialize, spec => $spec, X_RE => qr{^x-}, ); } sub _serialize { Mojo::JSON::encode_json(@_) } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI::SpecRenderer - Render OpenAPI specification =head1 SYNOPSIS $app->plugin(OpenAPI => { plugins => [qw(+SpecRenderer)], render_specification => 1, render_specification_for_paths => 1, }); =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI::SpecRenderer> will enable L<Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI> to render the specification in both HTML and JSON format. The human readable format focus on making the documentation printable, so you can easily share it with third parties as a PDF. If this documentation format is too basic or has missing information, then please L<report in|> suggestions for enhancements. =head1 HELPERS =head2 openapi.render_spec $c = $c->openapi->render_spec; $c = $c->openapi->render_spec($openapi_path); $c = $c->openapi->render_spec("/user/{id}"); Used to render the specification as either "html" or "json". Set the L<Mojolicious/stash> variable "format" to change the format to render. Will render the whole specification by default, but can also render documentation for a given OpenAPI path. =head1 METHODS =head2 register $doc->register($app, $openapi, \%config); Adds the features mentioned in the L</DESCRIPTION>. C<%config> is the same as passed on to L<Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI/register>. The following keys are used by this plugin: =head3 render_specification Render the whole specification as either HTML or JSON from "/:basePath". Example if C<basePath> in your specification is "/api": GET GET Disable this feature by setting C<render_specification> to C<0>. =head3 render_specification_for_paths Render the specification from individual routes, using the OPTIONS HTTP method. Example: OPTIONS OPTIONS Disable this feature by setting C<render_specification_for_paths> to C<0>. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI> =cut __DATA__ @@ mojolicious/plugin/openapi/header.html.ep <h1 id="title"><%= $spec->{info}{title} || 'No title' %></h1> <p class="version"><span>Version</span> <span class="version"><%= $spec->{info}{version} %></span></p> %= include "mojolicious/plugin/openapi/toc" % if ($spec->{info}{description}) { <h2 id="description"><a href="#title">Description</a></h2> <div class="description"> %== $markdown->($spec->{info}{description}) </div> % } % if ($spec->{info}{termsOfService}) { <h2 id="terms-of-service"><a href="#title">Terms of service</a></h2> <p class="terms-of-service"> %= $spec->{info}{termsOfService} </p> % } @@ mojolicious/plugin/openapi/footer.html.ep % my $contact = $spec->{info}{contact}; % my $license = $spec->{info}{license}; <h2 id="license"><a href="#title">License</a></h2> % if ($license->{name}) { <p class="license"><a href="<%= $license->{url} || '' %>"><%= $license->{name} %></a></p> % } else { <p class="no-license">No license specified.</p> % } <h2 id="contact"<a href="#title">Contact information</a></h2> % if ($contact->{email}) { <p class="contact-email"><a href="mailto:<%= $contact->{email} %>"><%= $contact->{email} %></a></p> % } % if ($contact->{url}) { <p class="contact-url"><a href="mailto:<%= $contact->{url} %>"><%= $contact->{url} %></a></p> % } @@ mojolicious/plugin/openapi/human.html.ep % if ($spec->{summary}) { <p class="spec-summary"><%= $spec->{summary} %></p> % } % if ($spec->{description}) { <div class="spec-description"><%== $markdown->($spec->{description}) %></div> % } % if (!$spec->{description} and !$spec->{summary}) { <p class="op-summary op-doc-missing">This resource is not documented.</p> % } @@ mojolicious/plugin/openapi/parameters.html.ep % my $has_parameters = @{$op->{parameters} || []}; % my $body; <h4 class="op-parameters">Parameters</h3> % if ($has_parameters) { <table class="op-parameters"> <thead> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>In</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Required</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> % } % for my $p (@{$op->{parameters} || []}) { % $body = $p->{schema} if $p->{in} eq 'body'; <tr> % if ($spec->{parameters}{$p->{name}}) { <td><a href="#ref-parameters-<%= $esc->($p->{name}) %>"><%= $p->{name} %></a></td> % } else { <td><%= $p->{name} %></td> % } <td><%= $p->{in} %></td> <td><%= $p->{type} %></td> <td><%= $p->{required} ? "Yes" : "No" %></td> <td><%== $p->{description} ? $markdown->($p->{description}) : "" %></td> </tr> % } % if ($has_parameters) { </tbody> </table> % } else { <p class="op-parameters">This resource has no input parameters.</p> % } % if ($body) { <h4 class="op-parameter-body">Body</h4> <pre class="op-parameter-body"><%= $serialize->($body) %></pre> % } @@ mojolicious/plugin/openapi/response.html.ep % for my $code (sort keys %{$op->{responses}}) { % next if $code =~ $X_RE; % my $res = $op->{responses}{$code}; <h4 class="op-response">Response <%= $code %></h3> %= include "mojolicious/plugin/openapi/human", spec => $res <pre class="op-response"><%= $serialize->($res->{schema}) %></pre> % } @@ mojolicious/plugin/openapi/resource.html.ep <h3 id="op-<%= lc $method %><%= $esc->($path) %>" class="op-path <%= $op->{deprecated} ? "deprecated" : "" %>"><a href="#title"><%= uc $method %> <%= $spec->{basePath} %><%= $path %></a></h3> % if ($op->{deprecated}) { <p class="op-deprecated">This resource is deprecated!</p> % } % if ($op->{operationId}) { <p class="op-id"><b>Operation ID:</b> <span><%= $op->{operationId} %></span></p> % } %= include "mojolicious/plugin/openapi/human", spec => $op %= include "mojolicious/plugin/openapi/parameters", op => $op %= include "mojolicious/plugin/openapi/response", op => $op @@ mojolicious/plugin/openapi/references.html.ep % use Mojo::ByteStream 'b'; <h2 id="references"><a href="#title">References</a></h2> % for my $key (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$spec->{definitions} || {}}) { % next if $key =~ $X_RE; <h3 id="ref-definitions-<%= lc $esc->($key) %>"><a href="#title">#/definitions/<%= $key %></a></h3> <pre class="ref"><%= $serialize->($spec->{definitions}{$key}) %></pre> % } % for my $key (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$spec->{parameters} || {}}) { % next if $key =~ $X_RE; % my $item = $spec->{parameters}{$key}; <h3 id="ref-parameters-<%= lc $esc->($key) %>"><a href="#title">#/parameters/<%= $key %> - "<%= $item->{name} %>"</a></h3> <p><%= $item->{description} || 'No description.' %></p> <ul> <li>In: <%= $item->{in} %></li> <li>Type: <%= $item->{type} %><%= $item->{format} ? " / $item->{format}" : "" %><%= $item->{pattern} ? " / $item->{pattern}" : ""%></li> % if ($item->{exclusiveMinimum} || $item->{exclusiveMaximum} || $item->{minimum} || $item->{maximum}) { <li> Min / max: <%= $item->{exclusiveMinimum} ? "$item->{exclusiveMinimum} <" : $item->{minimum} ? "$item->{minimum} <=" : b("∞ <=") %> value <%= $item->{exclusiveMaximum} ? "< $item->{exclusiveMaximum}" : $item->{maximum} ? "<= $item->{maximum}" : b("<= ∞") %> </li> % } % if ($item->{minLength} || $item->{maxLength}) { <li> Min / max: <%= $item->{minLength} ? "$item->{minLength} <=" : b("∞ <=") %> length <%= $item->{maxLength} ? "<= $item->{maxLength}" : b("<= ∞") %> </li> % } % if ($item->{minItems} || $item->{maxItems}) { <li> Min / max: <%= $item->{minItems} ? "$item->{minItems} <=" : b("∞ <=") %> items <%= $item->{maxItems} ? "<= $item->{maxItems}" : b("<= ∞") %> </li> % } % for my $k (qw(collectionFormat uniqueItems multipleOf enum)) { % next unless $item->{$k}; <li><%= ucfirst $k %>: <%= ref $item->{$k} ? $serialize->($item->{$k}) : $item->{$k} %></li> % } <li>Required: <%= $item->{required} ? 'Yes.' : 'No.' %></li> <li><%= defined $item->{default} ? "Default: " . $serialize->($item->{default}) : 'No default value.' %></li> </ul> % for my $k (qw(items schema)) { % next unless $item->{$k}; <pre class="ref"><%= $serialize->($item->{$k}) %></pre> % } % } @@ mojolicious/plugin/openapi/resources.html.ep <h2 id="resources"><a href="#title">Resources</a></h2> % my $schemes = $spec->{schemes} || ["http"]; % my $url = Mojo::URL->new("http://$spec->{host}"); <h3 id="base-url"><a href="#title">Base URL</a></h3> <ul class="unstyled"> % for my $scheme (@$schemes) { % $url->scheme($scheme); <li><a href="<%= $url %>"><%= $url %></a></li> % } </ul> % for my $path (sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %{$spec->{paths}}) { % next if $path =~ $X_RE; % for my $http_method (sort keys %{$spec->{paths}{$path}}) { % next if $http_method =~ $X_RE or $http_method eq 'parameters'; % my $op = $spec->{paths}{$path}{$http_method}; %= include "mojolicious/plugin/openapi/resource", method => $http_method, op => $op, path => $path % } % } @@ mojolicious/plugin/openapi/toc.html.ep <ul id="toc"> % if ($spec->{info}{description}) { <li><a href="#description">Description</a></li> % } % if ($spec->{info}{termsOfService}) { <li><a href="#terms-of-service">Terms of service</a></li> % } <li> <a href="#resources">Resources</a> <ul> % for my $path (sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %{$spec->{paths}}) { % next if $path =~ $X_RE; % for my $method (sort keys %{$spec->{paths}{$path}}) { % next if $method =~ $X_RE; <li><a href="#op-<%= lc $method %><%= $esc->($path) %>"><span class="method"><%= uc $method %></span> <%= $spec->{basePath} %><%= $path %></h3> % } % } </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#references">References</a> <ul> % for my $key (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$spec->{definitions} || {}}) { % next if $key =~ $X_RE; <li><a href="#ref-definitions-<%= lc $esc->($key) %>">#/definitions/<%= $key %></a></li> % } % for my $key (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$spec->{parameters} || {}}) { % next if $key =~ $X_RE; <li><a href="#ref-parameters-<%= lc $esc->($key) %>">#/parameters/<%= $key %></a></li> % } </ul> </li> <li><a href="#license">License</a></li> <li><a href="#contact">Contact</a></li> </ul> @@ mojolicious/plugin/openapi/layout.html.ep <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title><%= $spec->{info}{title} || 'No title' %></title> <style> body { font-family: 'Gotham Narrow SSm','Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 16px; margin: 3em; padding: 0; color: #222; line-height: 1.4em; } a { color: #225; text-decoration: underline; } h1, h2, h3, h4 { font-weight: bold; margin: 1em 0; } h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a { text-decoration: none; color: #222; } h1 { font-size: 2em; } h2 { font-size: 1.6em; margin-top: 2em; } h3 { font-size: 1.2em; } h4 { font-size: 1.1em; } table { margin: 0em -0.5em; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } td, th { vertical-align: top; text-align: left; padding: 0.5em; } th { font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } td p, th p { margin: 0; } ul { margin: 0; padding: 0 1.5em; } ul.unstyled { list-style: none; padding: 0; } p { margin: 1em 0; } pre { background: #f3f3f3; font-size: 0.9rem; line-height: 1.2em; letter-spacing: -0.02em; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 0.5em; margin: 1em -0.5em; overflow: auto; } #toc a { text-decoration: none; display: block; } #toc .method { display: inline-block; width: 7em; } div.container { max-width: 50em; margin: 0 auto; } p.version { color: #666; margin: -0.5em 0 2em 0; } p.op-deprecated { color: #c00; } h3.op-path { margin-top: 3em; } .container > h3.op-path { margin-top: 1em; } .renderjson .disclosure { display: none; } .renderjson .syntax { color: #002b36; } .renderjson .string { color: #073642; } .renderjson .number { color: #2aa198; } .renderjson .boolean { color: #d33682; } .renderjson .key { color: #0e6fb3; } .renderjson .keyword { color: #b58900; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="container"> %= include "mojolicious/plugin/openapi/header" %= include "mojolicious/plugin/openapi/resources" %= include "mojolicious/plugin/openapi/references" %= include "mojolicious/plugin/openapi/footer" </div> <script> var module,window,define,renderjson=function(){function n(a,u,c,p,f){var y=c?"":u,_=function(n,o,a,u,c){var _,d=l(u),h=function(){_||e(d.parentNode,_=r(c(),i(f.hide,"disclosure",function(){"none","inline"}))),"inline","none"};e(d,i(,"disclosure",h),t(u+" syntax",n),i(o,null,h),t(u+" syntax",a));var g=e(l(),s(y.slice(0,-1)),d);return p>0&&"string"!=u&&h(),g};return null===a?t(null,y,"keyword","null"):void 0===a?t(null,y,"keyword","undefined"):"string"==typeof a&&a.length>f.max_string_length?_('"',a.substr(0,f.max_string_length)+" ...",'"',"string",function(){return e(l("string"),t(null,y,"string",JSON.stringify(a)))}):"object"!=typeof a||[Number,String,Boolean,Date].indexOf(a.constructor)>=0?t(null,y,typeof a,JSON.stringify(a)):a.constructor==Array?0==a.length?t(null,y,"array syntax","[]"):_("["," ... ","]","array",function(){for(var r=e(l("array"),t("array syntax","[",null,"\n")),o=0;o<a.length;o++)e(r,n(,o,a[o]),u+" ",!1,p-1,f),o!=a.length-1?t("syntax",","):[],s("\n"));return e(r,t(null,u,"array syntax","]")),r}):o(a,f.property_list)?t(null,y,"object syntax","{}"):_("{","...","}","object",function(){var r=e(l("object"),t("object syntax","{",null,"\n"));for(var o in a)var i=o;var c=f.property_list||Object.keys(a);f.sort_objects&&(c=c.sort());for(var y in c)(o=c[y])in a&&e(r,t(null,u+" ","key",'"'+o+'"',"object syntax",": "),n(,o,a[o]),u+" ",!0,p-1,f),o!=i?t("syntax",","):[],s("\n"));return e(r,t(null,u,"object syntax","}")),r})}var t=function(){for(var n=[];arguments.length;)n.push(e(l(,s(;return n},e=function(){for(var,t=0;t<arguments.length;t++)arguments[t].constructor==Array?e.apply(this,[n].concat(arguments[t])):n.appendChild(arguments[t]);return n},r=function(n,t){return n.insertBefore(t,n.firstChild),n},o=function(n,t){var e=t||Object.keys(n);for(var r in e)if(,e[r]))return!1;return!0},s=function(n){return document.createTextNode(n)},l=function(n){var t=document.createElement("span");return n&&(t.className=n),t},i=function(n,t,e){var r=document.createElement("a");return t&&(r.className=t),r.appendChild(s(n)),r.href="#",r.onclick=function(n){return e(),n&&n.stopPropagation(),!1},r},a=function t(r){var o=Object.assign({},t.options);o.replacer="function"==typeof o.replacer?o.replacer:function(n,t){return t};var s=e(document.createElement("pre"),n(r,"",!1,o.show_to_level,o));return s.className="renderjson",s};return a.set_icons=function(n,t){return,a.options.hide=t,a},a.set_show_to_level=function(n){return a.options.show_to_level="string"==typeof n&&"all"===n.toLowerCase()?Number.MAX_VALUE:n,a},a.set_max_string_length=function(n){return a.options.max_string_length="string"==typeof n&&"none"===n.toLowerCase()?Number.MAX_VALUE:n,a},a.set_sort_objects=function(n){return a.options.sort_objects=n,a},a.set_replacer=function(n){return a.options.replacer=n,a},a.set_property_list=function(n){return a.options.property_list=n,a},a.set_show_by_default=function(n){return a.options.show_to_level=n?Number.MAX_VALUE:0,a},a.options={},a.set_icons("⊕","⊖"),a.set_show_by_default(!1),a.set_sort_objects(!1),a.set_max_string_length("none"),a.set_replacer(void 0),a.set_property_list(void 0),a}();define?define({renderjson:renderjson}):(module||{}).exports=(window||{}).renderjson=renderjson; (function(w, d) { renderjson.set_show_to_level("all"); renderjson.set_sort_objects(true); renderjson.set_max_string_length(100); var els = d.querySelectorAll("pre"); for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { els[i].parentNode.replaceChild(renderjson(JSON.parse(els[i].innerText)), els[i]); } els = d.querySelectorAll(".key"); for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { if (els[i].textContent != '"$ref"') continue; var link = els[i].nextElementSibling; while (link = link.nextElementSibling) { if (!link.className || !link.className.match(/\bstring\b/)) continue; var a = d.createElement("a"); var href = link.textContent.replace(/"/g, ""); a.className = link.className; a.textContent = link.textContent; a.href = href.match(/^#/) ? 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