Revision history for perl distribution Mojolicious-Plugin-Riotjs

0.04 2015-09-25T12:27:41+0200
 - Compatible with Mojolicious-Plugin-AssetPack 0.61
 - Update basic repo files

0.03 2015-04-06T09:05:11Z
 - Change to using riot.js from CDN in examples
 - Fix Cwd::abs_path() seems to die on Win32, unless "node_modules" exists

0.0203 2015-04-04T10:26:28Z
 - Try to figure out where an error message is coming from
   node_modules: No such file or directory at line 116.

0.0202 2015-03-30T08:46:51Z
 - Try to fix synopsis.t on windows

0.0201 2015-03-20T10:54:23Z
 - Skipping tests on windows

0.02 2015-03-16T09:57:12Z
 - Add Dependencies to documentation
 - Will set NODE_PATH
 - Compatible with riot 2.0.7

0.01 2015-01-23T13:04:59Z
 - Started project