Revision history for perl distribution Mojolicious-Plugin-Webpack
0.06 2019-01-13T10:52:34+0900
- Converted crushinator script to mojo webpack subcommand
You need to manually remove `which crushinator` if already installed.
0.05 2018-12-27T13:21:34+0900
- Use terser-webpack-plugin instead of uglifyjs-webpack-plugin
0.04 2018-12-26T13:53:46+0900
- Fix typo in webpack.custom.js
- Add M::P::Webpack::Builder to make M::P::Webpack a production shim
- M::P::Webpack::Builder can install a shim into your application
0.03 2018-12-20T12:50:22+0900
- Add url_for() method
- Will migrate assetpack.def from AssetPack into webpack custom config
- Change webpack to only run when requested
- Documented how to test your assets
0.02 2018-11-16T19:53:02+0900
- Fix markup.t
0.01 2018-11-07T15:44:27+0900
- Will automatically setup webpack config files
- Can process CSS, JavaScript, Sass and Vue
- Can extend the webpack config file
- Add automatic installation of node modules
- Add crushinator for development