package Swagger2::POD; =head1 NAME Swagger2::POD - Convert swagger API spec to Perl documentation =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Swagger2::POD> is a module that can convert from L</Swagger2> to L<POD|perlpod>. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Swagger2; my $swagger = Sswagger2->new("file:///path/to/api-spec.yaml"); print $swagger->pod->to_string; =cut use Mojo::Base -base; use Mojo::JSON 'encode_json'; use Mojo::Message::Response; use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; use constant NO_DESCRIPTION => 'No description.'; my $MOJO_MESSAGE_RESPONSE = Mojo::Message::Response->new; =head1 METHODS =head2 to_string $str = $self->to_string; Will convert swagger API spec to plain old documentation. =cut sub to_string { my $self = shift; join('', $self->_header_to_string, $self->_api_endpoint_to_string, $self->_paths_to_string, $self->_footer_to_string, ); } sub _api_endpoint_to_string { my $self = shift; my @schemes = @{$self->{tree}->get('/schemes') || []}; my $url = $self->{base_url}->clone; my $str = "=head1 BASEURL\n\n"; unless (@schemes) { return $str . "No default URL is defined to this application.\n\n"; } while (my $scheme = shift @schemes) { $url->scheme($scheme); $str .= sprintf "L<%s>\n\n", $url; } return $str; } sub _footer_to_string { my $self = shift; my $contact = $self->{tree}->get('/info/contact'); my $license = $self->{tree}->get('/info/license'); my $str = ''; unless ($license->{name}) { $license->{name} = 'BSD'; $license->{url} = ''; } $contact->{name} ||= 'Unknown author'; $str .= sprintf "=head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE\n\n%s", $contact->{name}; $str .= sprintf " - %s", $contact->{email} || $contact->{url} if $contact->{email} || $contact->{url}; $str .= sprintf "\n\n%s", $license->{name}; $str .= sprintf " - %s", $license->{url} if $license->{url}; $str .= "\n\n=cut\n"; $str; } sub _header_to_string { my $self = shift; my $info = $self->{tree}->get('/info'); my $str = ''; $info->{title} ||= 'Noname API'; $info->{description} ||= 'This API has no description.'; $info->{version} ||= '0.01'; $str .= sprintf "=head1 NAME\n\n%s\n\n", $info->{title}; $str .= sprintf "=head1 VERSION\n\n%s\n\n", $info->{version}; $str .= sprintf "=head1 DESCRIPTION\n\n%s\n\n", $info->{description}; $str .= sprintf "=head1 TERMS OF SERVICE\n\n%s\n\n", $info->{termsOfService} if $info->{termsOfService}; $str; } sub _path_request_to_string { my ($self, $info) = @_; my @table = ([qw( Name In Type Required Description )]); my $str = ''; my %body; for my $p (@{$info->{parameters} || []}) { $p->{description} ||= NO_DESCRIPTION; if ($p->{in} eq 'body') { %body = (name => 'body', %$p); push @table, [$p->{name}, 'body', 'schema', 'Yes', $p->{description}]; } else { push @table, [@$p{qw( name in type )}, $p->{required} ? 'Yes' : 'No', $p->{description}]; } } $str .= sprintf "=head3 Parameters\n\n"; $str .= (@table == 1) ? "This resource takes no parameters.\n\n" : sprintf "%s\n", _ascii_table(\@table, ' '); $str .= " $body{name}:\n\n" . $self->_schema_to_string_dispatch($body{schema}, 0) . "\n" if %body; $str; } sub _path_response_to_string { my ($self, $info) = @_; my $responses = $info->{responses} || {}; my $str = ''; $str .= sprintf "=head3 Responses\n\n"; for my $code (sort keys %$responses) { my $res = $responses->{$code}; $str .= sprintf "=head4 %s\n\n", _status_code_to_string($code); $str .= $self->_summary_and_description($res); $str .= $self->_schema_to_string_dispatch($res->{schema}, 0) . "\n"; } return $str; } sub _paths_to_string { my $self = shift; my $paths = $self->{tree}->get('/paths') || {}; my $str = "=head1 RESOURCES\n\n"; my %info; for my $path (keys %$paths) { for my $method (sort keys %{$paths->{$path}}) { my $operationId = $paths->{$path}{$method}{operationId} || join ' ', uc $method, $path; $info{$operationId} and die "Overlapping operationId in swagger specification: $operationId"; $info{$operationId} = {%{$paths->{$path}{$method}}, _path => $path, _method => $method,}; } } for my $operationId (sort keys %info) { my $url = $self->{base_url}->clone; my $info = $info{$operationId}; push @{$url->path->parts}, grep { length $_ } split '/', $info->{_path}; my $ext = $info->{externalDocs}; my $resource_url; $str .= sprintf "=head2 %s\n\n", $operationId; $str .= " THIS RESOURCE IS DEPRECATED!\n\n" if $info->{deprecated}; $str .= $self->_summary_and_description($info); $str .= sprintf "See also L<%s>\n\n", $ext->{url} if $ext; next METHOD if $info->{deprecated}; $url->query(Mojo::Parameters->new); $resource_url = $url->to_abs; $resource_url =~ s!/%7B([^%]+)%7D!/{$1}!g; $str .= sprintf "=head3 Resource URL\n\n"; $str .= sprintf " %s %s\n\n", uc $info->{_method}, $resource_url; $str .= $self->_path_request_to_string($info); $str .= $self->_path_response_to_string($info); } return $str; } sub _schema_anyof_to_string { my ($self, $schema, $depth) = @_; my $str = "\n" . _sprintf($depth + 1, "// Any of the below:\n"); for my $s (@{$schema->{anyOf}}) { $str .= _sprintf($depth + 1, ""); $str .= $self->_schema_to_string_dispatch($s, $depth + 1); } $str; } sub _schema_allof_to_string { my ($self, $schema, $depth) = @_; my $str = "\n" . _sprintf($depth + 1, "// All of the below:\n"); for my $s (@{$schema->{allOf}}) { $str .= _sprintf($depth + 1, ""); $str .= $self->_schema_to_string_dispatch($s, $depth + 1); } $str; } sub _schema_oneof_to_string { my ($self, $schema, $depth) = @_; my $str = "\n" . _sprintf($depth + 1, "// One of the below:\n"); for my $s (@{$schema->{oneOf}}) { $str .= _sprintf($depth + 1, ""); $str .= $self->_schema_to_string_dispatch($s, $depth + 1); } $str; } sub _schema_array_to_string { my ($self, $schema, $depth) = @_; my $description = _type_description($schema, qw( minItems maxItems multipleOf uniqueItems )); my $str = ''; $description = $description eq NO_DESCRIPTION ? "" : "// $description"; $str .= _sprintf($depth, "[%s\n", $description); $str .= $self->_schema_to_string_dispatch($schema->{items}, $depth + 1); $str .= _sprintf($depth + 1, "...\n"); $str .= _sprintf($depth, "]\n"); $str; } sub _schema_boolean_to_string { my ($self, $schema, $depth) = @_; sprintf "%s, // %s\n", 'boolean', _type_description($schema); } sub _schema_enum_to_string { my ($self, $schema, $depth) = @_; sprintf "%s, // %s\n", 'enum', _type_description($schema, qw( enum )); } sub _schema_integer_to_string { my ($self, $schema, $depth) = @_; sprintf "%s, // %s\n", $schema->{format} || 'integer', _type_description($schema, qw( default )); } sub _schema_number_to_string { my ($self, $schema, $depth) = @_; sprintf "%s, // %s\n", $schema->{format} || 'number', _type_description($schema, qw( default )); } sub _schema_file_to_string { my ($self, $schema, $depth) = @_; my $str = $schema->{description} || 'This response contains raw binary or text data.'; return " $str\n"; } sub _schema_object_to_string { my ($self, $schema, $depth) = @_; my $description = _type_description($schema, qw( minProperties maxProperties )); my $str = ''; $description = $description eq NO_DESCRIPTION ? "" : "// $description"; $str .= _sprintf($depth, "{%s\n", $description); for my $k (sort keys %$schema) { $str .= _sprintf($depth + 1, qq("%s": ), $k); $str .= $self->_schema_to_string_dispatch($schema->{$k}, $depth + 1) if ref $schema->{$k} eq 'HASH'; } $str .= _sprintf($depth, "},\n"); $str; } sub _schema_string_to_string { my ($self, $schema, $depth) = @_; sprintf "%s, // %s\n", $schema->{format} || 'string', _type_description($schema, qw( minLength maxLength pattern default )); } sub _schema_to_string_dispatch { my ($self, $schema, $depth) = @_; my $required = $schema->{required}; my $method; if ($schema->{properties}) { $schema = $schema->{properties}; } if ($required and ref $required eq 'ARRAY') { $schema->{$_}{required} = 1 for @$required; } if ($schema->{anyOf}) { $method = '_schema_anyof_to_string'; } elsif ($schema->{allOf}) { $method = '_schema_allof_to_string'; } elsif ($schema->{oneOf}) { $method = '_schema_oneof_to_string'; } else { $method = '_schema_' . ($schema->{type} || 'object') . '_to_string'; } return "Cannot translate '$schema->{type}' into POD." unless $self->can($method); return $self->$method($schema, $depth); } sub _summary_and_description { my ($self, $data) = @_; my $str = ''; $str .= "$data->{summary}\n\n" if $data->{summary}; $str .= "$data->{description}\n\n" if $data->{description}; $str .= NO_DESCRIPTION . "\n\n" unless $data->{summary} or $data->{description}; $str; } # FUNCTIONS sub _ascii_table { my ($rows, $pad) = @_; my $width = 1; my (@spec, @table); $pad //= ''; for my $row (@$rows) { for my $i (0 .. $#$row) { $row->[$i] //= ''; $row->[$i] =~ s/[\r\n]//g; my $len = length $row->[$i]; $spec[$i] = $len if $len >= ($spec[$i] // 0); } } my $format = sprintf '%s| %s |', $pad, join ' | ', map { $width += $_ + 3; "\%-${_}s" } @spec; @table = map { sprintf "$format\n", @$_ } @$rows; unshift @table, "$pad." . ('-' x ($width - 2)) . ".\n"; splice @table, 2, 0, "$pad|" . ('-' x ($width - 2)) . "|\n"; push @table, "$pad'" . ('-' x ($width - 2)) . "'\n"; return join '', @table; } sub _sprintf { my ($level, $format, @args) = @_; sprintf "%s$format", (" " x (($level + 1) * 2)), @args; } sub _status_code_to_string { my ($code) = @_; my $message = $MOJO_MESSAGE_RESPONSE->code($code)->default_message; return sprintf '%s - %s', $code, $message if $message; return ucfirst $code; } sub _stringify { my ($k, $obj) = @_; return 'required' if $k eq 'required' and $obj->{$k}; return "$k=true" if blessed $obj->{$k} and $obj->{$k} eq Mojo::JSON->true; return "$k=false" if blessed $obj->{$k} and $obj->{$k} eq Mojo::JSON->false; return sprintf '%s=%s', $k, encode_json $obj->{$k} if ref $obj->{$k}; return sprintf '%s=%s', $k, $obj->{$k}; } sub _type_description { my ($schema) = (shift, shift); return $schema->{description} if $schema->{description}; my @keys = grep { defined $schema->{$_} } 'required', @_; my @description = map { _stringify($_, $schema) } @keys; return $schema->{title} || NO_DESCRIPTION unless @description; return join ', ', @description; } =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014, Jan Henning Thorsen This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. =head1 AUTHOR Jan Henning Thorsen - C<> =cut 1;