package Toadfarm::Plugin::Reload;

=head1 NAME

Toadfarm::Plugin::Reload - Reload toadfarm with new code


This L<Mojolicious> plugin allow the L</Toadfarm> server to restart when a
resource is hit with a special JSON payload. The payload need to be compatible with
the L<post-receive-hook|> github use.

=head1 SETUP

=over 4

=item *

You need to set up a post receive hook on github to make this reloader work.
Go to "" to set it up.

=item *

The WebHook URL need to be "".
See L<CONFIG|/path> below for details.


=head1 CONFIG

This is a config template for L<Toadfarm>:

    apps => [...],
    plugins => [
      Reload => {
        path => '/some/secret/path',
        repositories => [
            name => 'cool-repo',
            branch => 'some-branch',
            path => '/path/to/cool-repo',
            remote => 'whatever', # defaults to "origin"
      # ...


=over 4

=item * path

This should be the path part of the URL to POST data to reload the server.
Make this something semi secret to avoid random requests:

  perl -le'print join "/", "", "reload", (time.$$.rand(9999999)) =~ /(\w\w)/g'

=item * repositories

This should contain a mapping between github repository names and local settings:

=over 4

=item * branch

This need to match the branch which you push to github. It should be something
like "production", and not "master" - unless you want every push to master to
reload the server.

=item * path

This is the path on disk to the local git repo.




use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
use Mojo::JSON qw( decode_json encode_json );
use Mojo::Util;

our $GIT = $ENV{GIT_EXE} || 'git';


=head1 METHODS

=head2 register

  $self->register($app, \%config);

See L</SYNOPSIS> for C<%config> parameters.


sub register {
  my ($self, $app, $config) = @_;
  my $t0 = localtime;

  $self->{log} = $app->log;
  $self->_valid_config($config) or return;

    cb => sub {
      my $c       = shift;
      my $payload = $c->req->body_params->param('payload');
      my $status  = "Started: $t0\n\n";
      my $args;

      if ($payload) {
        $args = decode_json(Mojo::Util::encode('UTF-8', $payload));
        $status = $self->_fork_and_reload($args) ? "ok\n" : "nok\n";
      else {
        for my $config (@{$self->{repositories}}) {
          $status .= "--- $config->{name}/$config->{branch}\n";
          eval {
              {GIT_DIR => "$config->{path}/.git"}, $GIT => log => -3 => '--format=%s',
              sub { $status .= "$_[0]\n" },
            $status .= "\n";
          } or do {

      $c->render(text => $status, format => 'text');

sub _fork_and_reload {
  my ($self, $payload) = @_;
  my $manager_pid = getppid;
  my $branch      = $payload->{ref};
  my $name        = $payload->{repository}{name};
  my $sha1        = $payload->{head_commit}{id};
  my $refreshed   = 0;
  my $pid;

  unless ($branch and $name and $sha1) {
    $self->{log}->warn("Skip reload on bad payload: " . encode_json($payload));

  $pid = fork;

  return 1 if $pid;
  return 0 if !defined $pid;

  # child process
  $branch =~ s!refs/heads/!!;

  # maybe i need to wait for github?

  for my $config (@{$self->{repositories}}) {
    $config->{name} eq $name     or next;
    $config->{branch} eq $branch or next;

    eval {
      $self->{log}->info("Reloading repo $name, branch $branch");
      $self->_refresh_repo($config, $sha1);
    } or do {

  if ($refreshed) {
    $self->_run(kill => -USR2 => $manager_pid);
  else {
    $self->{log}->warn("Skip reload on name=$name and branch=$branch");

  exit 0;

sub _refresh_repo {
  my ($self, $config, $sha1) = @_;
  my $log = $self->{log};

  chdir $config->{path} or die "chdir $config->{path}: $!";
  $self->_run($GIT => fetch => $config->{remote});
    $GIT => log => '--format=%H',
    sub {
      return $self->{log}->error("Invalid commit: $_[0] ne $sha1") unless $_[0] eq $sha1;
      $self->_run($GIT => checkout => -f => -B => toadfarm_reload_branch => "$config->{remote}/$config->{branch}");

sub _run {
  my ($self, @cmd) = @_;
  my $env = ref $cmd[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift @cmd : {};
  my $cb = ref $cmd[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop @cmd : sub { $self->{log}->info("<<< $_[0]") };
  my @res;

  local %ENV = %ENV;
  $ENV{$_} = $env->{$_} for keys %$env;
  $env = join ', ', map {"$_=$env->{$_}"} sort keys %$env;
  $env = "[$env] " if $env;

  # TODO:
  open my $CMD, '-|', @cmd or die "@cmd: $!";
  while (<$CMD>) {
    push @res, $cb->($_);

sub _valid_config {
  my ($self, $config) = @_;
  my $repositories = $config->{repositories};

  if (!$config->{path}) {
    $self->{log}->error('Abort loading Reload: "path" missing in config');
  if (ref $repositories eq 'HASH') {
    $repositories = [
      map {
        $repositories->{$_}{name} = $_;
      } keys %$repositories
  if (ref $repositories ne 'ARRAY' or !@$repositories) {
    $self->{log}->error('Abort loading Reload: "repositories" missing in config');

  for my $config (@$repositories) {
    $config->{remote} ||= 'origin';
    for my $key (qw/ path branch /) {
      next if $config->{$key};
      $self->{log}->error(qq[Abort loading Reload: "repositories -> $config->{name} -> $key" missing in config]);

  $self->{repositories} = $repositories;

=head1 AUTHOR

Jan Henning Thorsen - C<>

