Revision history for Mastodon::Client

0.014     2018-01-23 19:27:43+00:00 Europe/London

  * Changes:
    * Allowed warnings in tests because of an open issue with

0.013     2018-01-21 22:29:25+00:00 Europe/London

  * Changes:
    * [internal] Switched from AnyEvent to IO::Async.
  * Fixes:
    * Fixed a typo in the synopsis that could cause a server error
      when run (++Florian Obser).

0.012     2017-06-09 12:58:08+01:00 Europe/London

  * Changes:
    * Improved documentation, including a section with details about
      the OAuth2 process for obtaining IDs, secrets, and tokens

0.011     2017-05-10 15:59:57+01:00 Europe/London

  * Fixes:
    * Fix an issue with data preparation, which made authentication
      impossible (thanks @whiteisthenewblack!)

0.010     2017-05-08 00:15:59+01:00 Europe/London

  * Fixes:
    * Added AutoPrereq plugin for automatic dependency detection

0.009     2017-05-06 23:50:20+01:00 Europe/London

  * New:
    * Added tidyall tests
  * Changes:
    * Switch to JSON::MaybeXS
    * Use Class::Load to programmatically load classes
    * Improved robustness of stream parsing
    * Simplified method to perform requests
  * Fixes:
    * Fixed syntax errors in POD
    * Fixed a missing import in Application entities
    * Reblog status method no longer calls DELETE

0.008     2017-04-22 02:45:33+01:00 Europe/London

  * New:
    * Added documentation for entity and listener objects
    * Status and Account objects have some convenience methods
  * Changes:
    * Re-wrote Mastodon::Listener to use AnyEvent::HTTP
    * Added more attributes to Mastodon::Listener, making it more
      usable as a standalone class
  * Fixes:
    * Fixed an issue with entity coercions, that could cause some
      tests to fail
    * TCP tests are skipped if unable to establish a connection
    * Added more missing dependencies
    * Never coerce server responses for app registration

0.007     2017-04-18 16:12:15+01:00 Europe/London

  * Fixes:
    * Corrected list of provided packages (fixed broken release)
    * Add readme to distribution

0.006     2017-04-18 02:28:45+01:00 Europe/London

  * New:
    * Added tests for more methods
    * Entity objects have experimental method shortcuts
  * Fixes:
    * Some of the GET methods did not correctly parse arguments
  * Changes:
    * The `uri` attribute for Status entities is not of type URI

0.005     2017-04-17 15:20:15+01:00 Europe/London

  * Fixes:
    * Fixed wrong links in POD

0.004     2017-04-17 15:14:15+01:00 Europe/London

  * New:
    * Added some tests for GET requests, using Test::TCP
    * Added an example script to dump responses to GET requests,
      mainly for debug
  * Fixes:
    * Corrected some inconsistencies in the method signatures
      with what was documented
    * Do not try to coerce non-entity responses (ie. from OAuth2 flow)
    * Respect the value of coerce_entities in more methods
  * Changes:
    * The `authorized` attribute is now never undefined

0.003     2017-04-17 00:12:15+01:00 Europe/London

  * New:
    * Added Travis CI configuration
  * Fixes:
    * Added some missing dependencies to dist.ini

0.002     2017-04-16 23:06:52+01:00 Europe/London

  * New:
    * Added convenience methods for all API endpoints
    * Added a `coerce_entities` option to turn JSON responses from
      Mastodon into Perl objects
    * Added more tests (suite is still far from complete!)
    * Added methods for sending DELETE and PATCH requests
    * Added this change log. :)
    * Several changes to dist.ini add repository data, META.json, etc.
    * Added documentation
  * Changes:
    * Interface of `timeline()` and `stream()` methods now more
      closely mirrors that of the rest of the distribution
  * Fixes:
    * Fixed several issues with passing arguments to requst functions


  * Initial release