# This file documents the revision history for Perl extension Catalyst::Plugin::CurrentComponents.

0.009 - 2021-10-25
  - fixed typo
  - actionroles now add the view or model to the end of the args

0.008 - 2021-10-18
  - Add an ActionRole since this seemed a good place to put it

0.007 - 2017-01-23
  - Fixed typo in view setup
  - if allowing one to set the current model instance via state, be more
    generous in the type of object we allow

0.006 - 2016-12-21
  - More lax detect of models or view on action return

0.005 - 2016-12-21
  - Changed to Moo.
  - You can now set both the current view instance and the current model instance
    from the action return, if you want that.
  - Tweaked docs.

0.004 - 2015-09-25
  - Fixed code to reflect docs

0.003 - 2015-08-20
  - Allow you to set the current model instance in the return value of an
    action (via configuration).

0.002 - 2015-05-01
  - let you set view/model instance with less typing

0.001 - 2015-03-16
  - initial release