Revision history for Perl extension Catalyst::Plugin::InjectionHelpers

0.006   18 May 2015
        - Changed the way a variable is used to prevent errors when the var
          namespace can be obscure.

0.005   11 May 2015
        - Fix the way we merge parameters so that you can override global
          parameters from the $c->model/view calls (for ACCEPT_CONTEXT components).

0.004   01 May 2015
        - Support for list arguments

0.003   01 May 2015
        - Added 'from_code' injector
        - Made sure we get a fresh copy of the configuration for request scoped
          components (to play nice with the MapComponentDependencies plugin).
        - Loosen the constraint on the Application adaptor so that the component
          is not required be be an object.
        - Tweaked the documentation a bit.

0.002   30 April 2015
        - Made sure test case relied on Catalyst v5.90090+

0.001   30 April 2015
        - original version.