package Catalyst::ActionRole::ConsumesContent; use Moose::Role; requires 'match', 'match_captures', 'list_extra_info'; has allowed_content_types => ( is=>'ro', required=>1, lazy=>1, isa=>'ArrayRef', builder=>'_build_allowed_content_types'); has normalized => ( is=>'ro', required=>1, lazy=>1, isa=>'HashRef', builder=>'_build_normalized'); sub _build_normalized { return +{ JSON => 'application/json', JS => 'application/javascript', PERL => 'application/perl', HTML => 'text/html', XML => 'text/XML', Plain => 'text/plain', UrlEncoded => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', Multipart => 'multipart/form-data', HTMLForm => ['application/x-www-form-urlencoded','multipart/form-data'], }; } sub _build_allowed_content_types { my $self = shift; my @proto = map {split ',', $_ } @{$self->attributes->{Consumes}}; my @converted = map { if(my $normalized = $self->normalized->{$_}) { ref $normalized ? @$normalized : ($normalized); } else { $_; } } @proto; return \@converted; } around ['match','match_captures'] => sub { my ($orig, $self, $ctx, @args) = @_; if(my $content_type = $ctx->req->content_type) { return 0 unless $self->can_consume($content_type); } return $self->$orig($ctx, @args); }; sub can_consume { my ($self, $request_content_type) = @_; my @matches = grep { lc($_) eq lc($request_content_type) } @{$self->allowed_content_types}; return @matches ? 1:0; } around 'list_extra_info' => sub { my ($orig, $self, @args) = @_; return { %{ $self->$orig(@args) }, CONSUMES => $self->allowed_content_types, }; }; 1; =head1 NAME Catalyst::ActionRole::ConsumesContent - Match on HTTP Request Content-Type =head1 SYNOPSIS package MyApp::Web::Controller::MyController; use base 'Catalyst::Controller'; sub start : POST Chained('/') CaptureArg(0) { ... } sub is_json : Chained('start') Consumes('application/json') { ... } sub is_urlencoded : Chained('start') Consumes('application/x-www-form-urlencoded') { ... } sub is_multipart : Chained('start') Consumes('multipart/form-data') { ... } ## Alternatively, for common types... sub is_json : Chained('start') Consume(JSON) { ... } sub is_urlencoded : Chained('start') Consumes(UrlEncoded) { ... } sub is_multipart : Chained('start') Consumes(Multipart) { ... } ## Or allow more than one type sub is_more_than_one : Chained('start') : Consumes('application/x-www-form-urlencoded') : Consumes('multipart/form-data') { ## ... } 1; =head1 DESCRIPTION This is an action role that lets your L<Catalyst::Action> match on the content type of the incoming request. Generally when there's a PUT or POST request, there's a request content body with a matching MIME content type. Commonly this will be one of the types used with classic HTML forms ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for example) but there's nothing stopping you specifying any valid content type. For matching purposes, we match strings but the casing is insensitive. =head1 REQUIRES This role requires the following methods in the consuming class. =head2 match =head2 match_captures Returns 1 if the action matches the existing request and zero if not. =head1 METHODS This role defines the following methods =head2 match =head2 match_captures Around method modifier that return 1 if the request content type matches one of the allowed content types (see L</http_methods>) and zero otherwise. =head2 allowed_content_types An array of strings that are the allowed content types for matching this action. =head2 can_consume Boolean. Does the current request match content type with what this actionrole can consume? =head2 list_extra_info Add the accepted content type to the debug screen. =head1 AUTHORS Catalyst Contributors, see =head1 COPYRIGHT This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut