The following logs changes for the CPAN distribution Catalyst::View::Template::Lace

0.010   28 August 2017
        - Use newest Template::Lace for bug fixes and new features.

0.009   23 August 2017
        - Use newest Template::Lace for bug fixes
0.008   11 August 2017
        - Use lasted version of Template::Lace
        - More documentation on the URL role
        - when using URI role the action now defaults to the current action

0.007   02 August 2017
        - Use lasted version of Template::Lace
        - Minor doc tweaks

0.006   16 July 2017
        - Use the $_ variable less
        - Dependency version update to fixed errors

0.005   16 July 2017
        - Dependency version update to fixed errors
        - let you use components in namespaces other than the current one.  Improved
          ability to match view package case.

0.004   22 June 2017
        - Dependency version update to fixed errors

0.003   22 May 2017 
        - Updated some dependencies to take advantage of new features.
        - Updated test code and docs around that.
        - Added catalyst-subrequest component (still beta feature but see test
          cases for example; documention to come when I feel the feature settles
          in a bit).

0.002   12 May 2017
        - Update required version of Template::Lace
        - Fixed bug in the Uri roles
        - undocumented prototype for embedding the response of a public
          path into your template.  See the Users view under the /t directory.
0.001   25 April 2017
        - First usable version, with caveats (its still earlly access)