The following logs changes for the CPAN distribution Valiant
0.001001 2021-01-27
- First Post!
0.001002 2021-01-27
- Fixed POD errors
0.001003 2021-01-30
- Put ::Utils in more polite namespace
- Include exception classes for the lazy
0.001004 2021-03-06
- update dependencies
0.001005 2021-10-15
- Change exception class to do the expected Catalyst Interface
- Added a few more allowed error type statuses
- Some additional logging
- breaking change: changed the default HTML template name to 'http_error'
- breaking change: changed all instances of 'meta' to 'info' (better Moose compatibility).
0.001006 2021-10-15
- Tweaked the exception class so it plays nicer with subclassers
0.001007 2021-11-05
- Default HTML template provides a blank favicon to prevent some browers from creating
an extra request to look for it. Just something that annoys me :)
- Documentation and example of subclassing the exception classes to play nice with th
RenderError plugin.
0.001008 2022-07-05
- Refactored to move most of the content negotiation into the plugin, so we can simplify
the views.
- JSON view changed to return its data more like the Text and HTML views
- HTTP Exception object refactored to use a role (which is now preferred for custom exceptions)
- You can now add additional headers in the exception object, and pass headers via the dispatch
and detach errors methods.
- using status_code instead of jsut status. This is a break change but needed because I found
'status' was just too generic and was causing namespace conflicts.
- improved the docs a bit.
0.001009 2022-07-24
- fixed minor issue were we'd get double logging to the Catalyst error log, but miss logging
other things that needed logging.