=head1 NAME

DBIx::Class::Migration::Script::Help::status - Schema and Database Status


  dbic-migration status \
    --lib=lib \


Returns the version of the deployed database (if it is deployed) and the
version of the current C<schema>.

You will use this command when you need to see if a database needs upgrading
and to check on the results of your migrations.

=head1 OPTIONS

This command accepts the following options.  You may learn more about each
option by typing C<dbic-migration help OPTION>

Format is "canonical (@aliases)".

=head2 includes (I,lib,libs,include)


Adds the listed paths to @INC.  Handy during development when you want to use
a development schema class.

=head2 schema_class (S)

Accepts Str. Required.

This is the schema we use as the basis for creating, managing and running your
deployments.  This should be the full package namespace defining your subclass
of L<DBIx::Class::Schema>.  For example C<MyApp::Schema>.

If the L</schema_class> cannot be loaded, a hard exception will be thrown.

=head2 sandbox_class (T) 

The developer sandbox database that we are reading status information from.

=head2 username (U)

=head2 password (P)

=head2 dsn


Connection information for the database you are checking the status of.  You
will likely use this when in an enviroment above development and you are no 
longer using a database sandbox.  C<dsn> is as defined in L<DBI>.

=head2 target_dir (D)


When using a C<sandbox_class> for generating developer level database sandboxes,
you may wish to place the sandbox in a directory other than the default (which
is under the C<share> directory off the project root).  

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<DBIx::Class::Migration>, L<DBIx::Class::Migration::Script>,
L<DBIx::Class::Migration::Features>, L<DBIx::Class::Migration::Tutorial>

=head1 AUTHOR

See L<DBIx::Class::Migration> for author information


See L<DBIx::Class::Migration> for copyright and license information
