Revision history for Perl extension Module::Setup::Flavor::JJNAPIORK

0.05    04 January 2011
        - Updated copyright year code
        - make it so the /maint is not included when building the dist
        - cut down on the dependency list a bit
        - testing out some new author side make stuff
        - actually name the MI dependencies so that you can use this without
          needing Task::BeLike::JJNAPIORK

0.04    30 December 2010
        - Decrease minimum required Perl version to 5.8.5

0.03    20 December 2010
        - documentation updates
        - changes to reflect new Makefile layouts and cleaner seperation of
          installer and author Makefile info.

0.02    03 October 2010
        - minor documentation changes and Makefile.PL tweaks

0.01    17 September 2010
        - original version