Revision history for MooseX-Types-Parameterized

0.06   25 July 2011
        - Fixed problem when you create a type with no message (brianphillips)
        - test case for above

0.05    28 April 2011
        - Changes for Moose to be

0.04    28 June 2010
        - More documentation fixes, no code changes

0.03    25 June 2010
        - more documentation fixes, better coecion docs
        - more tests

0.02    24 June 2010
        - numerous documentation and code formatting fixes
        - fixed coercions
        - better custom error messages
        - more tests
        - fixed missing dependency

0.01    23 June 2010
        - Completed basic requirements, documentation and tests.
        - sending this out from YAPC::NA, while in a talk on extending
          Moose :)