The following logs changes for the CPAN distribution Valiant

0.001004  2021 April 07
          - Specify more exact dependency versions in cpanfile.
          - lots of updates to nested DBIC support and improved example application

0.001003  2021 March 04
          - Allow one to disable auto validation on DBIC classes.  This allows
          you to insert or update rows that are invalid.
          - Added some test cases for strict mode validations and allowed one a
          bit more control over strict mode messaging.

0.001002  2021 February 25
          - quick followup that just fixes POD issues

0.001001  2021 February 25
          - First Post!  Please only use this if you are ready to help
          file bug reports and read all the docs carefully.
          - This release is dedicated to my dog Tornado who we lost to
          cancer in August of 2020.