package Valiant::Proxy::Array; use Moo; with 'Valiant::Proxy'; sub read_attribute_for_validation { my ($self, $attribute) = @_; if(defined $self->for->[$attribute]) { return $self->for->[$attribute]; } else { return undef; # TODO Might need a flag to allow die here? } } 1; =head1 NAME Valiant::Proxy::Array - Wrap a hashref in a result object for validation. =head1 SYNOPSIS TBD =head1 DESCRIPTION Allows you to run validations against a HashRef. You probably won't use this directly (although you can) since we have L<Valiant::Class> to encapsulate the most common patterns for this need. =head1 SEE ALSO This does the interface defined by L<Valiant::Result> so see the docs on that. Also: L<Valiant>, L<Valiant::Validator>, L<Valiant::Validator::Each>. =head1 AUTHOR See L<Valiant> =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE See L<Valiant> =cut