package DBIx::Class::Valiant::Util::Exception::BadParameterFK; use Moo; extends 'Valiant::Util::Exception'; has [qw/fk_field fk_value pk_field pk_value related me/] => (is=>'ro', required=>1); sub _build_message { my ($self) = @_; return "Relationship @{[ $self->related]} on @{[ ref $self->me ]} provided parameter @{[ $self->fk_field]} with illegal value @{[ $self->fk_value]}, was expecting @{[ $self->pk_field]} to match value @{[ $self->pk_value]} "; return $self->msg; } 1; =head1 NAME DBIx::Class::Valiant::Util::Exception - A non categorized exception =head1 SYNOPSIS DBIx::Class::Valiant::Util::Exception->throw(msg=>'validations argument in unsupported format'); =head1 DESCRIPTION A non categorized exception =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 msg Message that the exception will stringify to. =head2 message The actual exception message =head1 SEE ALSO L<Valiant> =head1 AUTHOR See L<Valiant> =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE See L<Valiant> =cut