		   Package "Carp::Clan" Version 5.7

             Copyright (c) 2006 by Joshua ben Jore
			 All rights reserved.

	     Copyright (c) 2001 - 2004 by Steffen Beyer.
			 All rights reserved.

Version history:

Version 5.7   02.10.2006
 +  Stop PAUSE from attempting to index DB package.

Version 5.6   02.10.2006

 +  Fixed test to predefined croak/confess/cluck/carp functions don't
    break tests.
 +  Use Object::Deadly even saner.
 +  Use named lexicals in diag().
 +  Skip testing import of carp/croak/cluck/confess if they existed
    prior to loading Carp::Clan.
 +  Use exists &foo/defined &foo instead of symbol table hackery.
 +  Remove all the symbol table hackery that had notes about avoiding
    symrefs. That's dumb. It's better to be clear and have symrefs
    than have unreadble code w/o symrefs.
 +  Remove gratituous & sigil on function calls.
 +  Changed f() so it accepts 1st parameter of carp/cluck/confess/croak
    instead of 1/2/3/4.
 +  Renamed files.

Version 5.5   02.10.2006
 +  Change 01_..._carp.t to use Object::Deadly only if it is 0.08+
 +  Changed wording of the O::D request in Makefile.PL
 +  Allowed everything to be perltidied.

Version 5.4   23.09.2006
 +  Made Carp::Clan safe for overloaded objects.
 +  Added diag() to 01_..._carp.t
 +  Release by JJORE

Version 5.3   30.04.2004

 +  Removed the paragraph saying "no tests available" from README.txt
 +  Changed Clan.pm in order to suppress "subroutine redefined" warnings

Version 5.2   11.04.2004

 +  Added the original test scripts from Date::Calc and Bit::Vector

Version 5.1   19.08.2003

 +  First release as a separate module
 +  Incremented the version number in order to avoid problems with
    the automatic installation of prerequisites (no code changes)

Version 5.0   10.10.2001

 +  First official release as part of the Date::Calc 5.0 distribution

Version 5.0   12.06.2001

 +  Last modification of the code (copied from "Carp.pm" from Perl 5.005_03)
