Revision history for Judy
0.13 - Sun Apr 5 14:28:00 2009
897dc7a7b3f7b0c83bc8d56461e8ced83b0f0b13 Removed (char*) typecast from Index - wasn't needed
96e01701727ffcc93525525e5f8146a66992ae68 Removed accidental Safefree from Judy::SL::Last
bfd975011f2b2b444369edb3783deff75a516ec3 Judy::SL::Next copies Index like I thought I committed previously
39494e19dcb530d09400773e09f37642d414bfd9 added blank space between packages in XS to make it easier to scan
163a8281f4f580d6b20b249bcddce85c51a221b1 add PWord_t type for more conciseness
1cabdcb08efb4f4e7b50635bfdb8a6aac4e6654c Judy::SL First, Next, Last, Pref don't clobber SvPV now
0.12 - Sun Jan 4 02:06:00 2009
50d6c6ac4862d77e53d4791ada9a3fba1ca76bb4 Updating documentation
bb13e254151eccd773168771b310463ce50060be Use perl's croak() on error instead of Judy's fprintf(stderr,..);exit(1).
2d77ac9de985ab64b210b4fa9b06602b255671c5 More careful checking for data truncation
0.11 - Sat Jan 3 19:22:00 2009
5d26deb1395bea994f7a8157634e5b6ed53328e7 Adding several files
0bede2d8ad33c03e5e29a3496b45c95f48978819 Ignore _Inline
2272efcf967c5eba430a31f381280b296fb0b834 Remove, harder
ff9139907fc84a76844210930bbc37d9f502c9bc Allow Str.length=0 for easy use of null terminated strings
241532e026a6496dc209fb256c2b7fa2c4e1d4b0 Removing const-{c,xs}.inc
8b4ed49a13382c553d7d6cae3bbc091dc1ecd293 Adding Inline::C
01a5464fd759fe4aae61413ced8d3da5de619fde Introduce typedef Str for uniform SV*->((char*),STRLEN) capture Silence warning, casting from (char*) to (uint8_t*) and
ae3d809744caf37986d2ef164834c25a388350a3 Use PUSHp to get SV-set magic
a28db4ae8179dc3ecfd540ad997b8dec2227e8ec Silence warning, casting from (char*) to (uint8_t*) and (const uint8_t*)
07caf7318a41389fff5c7096865ed4b5125e1650 Starter test
7497b8d674b4004a11c21b058f10fa86ee2aeeb0 Dox
f08a2639b73f37d4c2c6814485267d370abf6135 Rename t/40l.t to t/40trunc.t
93e82fc25e593e705abec167b685fae273b36500 syntax
31f1eaba97aef0ec4efecae1a1c186113dda6168 Don' invoke set magic twice
87f96b8fd57bd690bf732de925d73d48afad3477 Allow utf8 perl strings Refactored a smidge of XS so string handling is now strictly in the typemap Typemap handles SET
0.10 - Sat Dec 26 15:06:00 2008
0061f4e2792a48f3bb1ea83e98ca54beafcf2e2b Require Alien::Judy 0.06
0.09 - Sat Dec 26 12:59:00 2008
API changes:
Moved PJERR and JLAP_INVALID from Judy::Mem to Judy
Removed PeekI, PokeI, PeekU, PokeU using IV and UV
Added Peek and Poke using Word_t
Moved XS from Judy::HS to Judy.
Added, Judy.pod
Release script checks a -Duse64bitint perl.
Added notes to XS
Switched from PPCODE-style XS to CODE/OUTPUT-style XS to use implicit TARG.
Added typedefs for Pvoid_t, Word_t*, Word_t
Throw warning when UV/IV integers discard data when being truncated
for storage into native sized Word_t.
Require at least Alien-Judy 0.05
Removed, from the dist since they're generated
Stop assigning 0 to $judy objects in example code - undef suffices
Moved PJERR and JLAP_INVALID to Judy from Judy::Mem
Judy::1, Judy::L, Judy::SL, Judy::HS all load Judy
Judy loads all of Judy::1, Judy::L, Judy::S, Judy::HS
Added test t/40l.t which checks for data loss on machines with
-Duse64bitint that don't have 64-bit words.
0.08 - Tue Dec 22 00:07:00 2008
Add -L and -I build parameters to find Alien::Judy
Adding docs
0.07 - Sun Dec 21 09:46:00 2008
Added Judy::1 and Judy::L
Changed API. Renamed search functions to be in line with the C library
SearchForward -> First
ContinueForward -> Next
SearchBackward -> Last
ContinueBackward -> Prev
Removed vestigial PeekPoke from tests
Added constants PJERR, PJLAP_INVALID
0.06 - Sat Dec 20 01:20:00 2008
Depends on Alien::Judy to auto-install Judy
0.05 - Fri Dec 19 00:35:34 2008
Added Judy::Mem
Added t/20sl.t
Renamed t/10basic.t to t/10hs.t
Removed PeekPoke dependency. Re-implemented in Judy::Mem.
Stop using sv_2pvbyte, use SvPVbyte instead.
Using ppport.h at its own recommendation. Possibly incompatible with 5.6.1. See comment in HS.xs
Changed C comment syntax from // to /**/
Fixed README, now it autogenerates from README.pod
Git ignores Judy-*
0.04 - Fri Dec 20 12:02:00 2008
Added Judy::SL
Fixed documentation in Judy::HS
0.03 - Thu Dec 19 02:00:00 2008
Rewrote API
0.02 - Thu Dec 18 00:05:27 2008
Rewrote API
Moving pod to a separate file, minimally rewriting docs for new API
Rendered pod to README
Removed boilerplate from Changes
Author tests skipped unless AUTHOR_TEST
0.01 - Wed Dec 17 13:31:03 2008
Initial upload.
Provided "raw" HS macros, some tests failing