0.01 - Thu Oct  6 01:35:32 UTC 2005
    First version, based on RGS's Runops::Switch.

0.02 - Sun Jun 17              2007
    Patched from chromatic's for my own used.

0.03 - Mon Jun 18              2007
    Finished initial distribution.
    Added functions:
     - Runops::Trace->trace( TRACE, CODE )
     - trace_code( CODE )
     - checksum_code_path( CODE )

0.04 - Thu Jun 21              2007
    Ought to build on threaded perls
    Traps die() now.

0.05 - Thu Jun 21              2007
    Actually require Digest::MD5

0.06 - Sun Jun 24              2007
    Pre-YAPC release
    trace wasn't exportable, now it is.

0.07 - Wed Aug  1              2007
    API Change.

      The trace callback recieves only the numeric pointer of the op
      now. Future versions will be given a B::OP object. ATM,
      marshalling the pointer to a B::OP object is your

      The number is also the same scalar all the time. References
      taken to it will only reflect the last used value.

0.08 - Thu Aug  2              2007
    Just PAUSE fluff. This is the same as 0.07