Revision history for Perl module IO::Capture::Stdout::Extended
0.04 Sun Mar 13 13:37:24 EST 2005
- Added method all_screen_lines() so that accurate tests of the
number of lines normally observed by eye on STDOUT can be conducted.
(Avoids pitfall of multiple 'print' statements per screen line buried
inside subroutines which print to STDOUT.) Added appropriate tests.
0.03 Tue Mar 1 14:50:01 EST 2005
- Following correspondence with Mark Reynolds, co-author and CPAN
maintainer of IO::Capture, this version is first uploaded to CPAN.
Slight changes to documentation.
0.02 Sun Feb 13 17:02:15 EST 2005
- Renamed IO::Capture::Stdout::Extended. Based on suggestions made
on newsgroup and study of IO::Capture documentation, interface
was revised and made object-oriented. Tests and documentation
extensively revised.
0.01 Thu Feb 10 18:37:00 2005
- original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.3207