Revision history for Perl extension Net::TacacsPlus.
1.03 Tue Aug 28 16:08:14 2007
- Added TACACS+ authorization and accounting
- minor code changes to existing code to be able to
support authorization and accounting
- TACACS+ session is now initialized each time a call is
made to authenticate(), authorize() or account() making it
possible to reuse the same Net::TacacsPlus::Client object.
- removed srand because not needed according to the rand perl doc
- rewrote some 'die' statements to 'croak' instead
1.02 Mon Jul 30 15:29:00 2007
- removed Log4Perl, created Net::TacacsPlus
- more pods, tests, cleanup, dependecies fix, MANIFEST fix
- this was more cleanup than fixes so that it cpan tests will run fine
1.00 Fri Nov 3 13:32:06 2006
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
--omit-autoload --omit-XS --name Net::TacacsPlus::Client -b 5.6.0