Revision history for Sys-Path

0.12    21 Sep 2011
        - find distribution root even when distribution lib/ path is not in @INC
          (thanks to Salve J. Nilsen)

0.11    10 Aug 2011
        - now considering Build.PL and Makefile.PL when finding distribution root
          (needed for `./Build disttest` where the t/ folder is not copied)
        - add srvdir (/srv)

0.10    03 Nov 2009
        - Pod updates

0.09    22 Oct 2009
        - removed the Module::Build::SysPath from this distribution
          + moved shareable functions from Module::Build::SysPath to
          Sys::Path so that they can be used by other build/install
          systems than Module::Build (thanks to Daxim!)
        - removed support for $HOME/.syspath/ makes kind of no
          sense as if the non-privileged user will be installing modules
          using system Perl to his folder, he can as well configure and
          install Sys::Path with his home configuration (thanks to Daxim)
        - moved SPc to Sys::Path::SPc

0.08    9 Sep 2009
        - store paths from initial run of `perl Build.PL`
          (install can be run as root so homedir configuration will change)
        - sharedstatedir (/var/lib) added
        - conffiles support
        - make conffiles and sharedstatedir files writeable
        - added webdir (/var/www)
        - will not auto install files from cachedir logdir spooldir rundir lockdir sharedstatedir webdir

0.07    4 Sep 2009
        - fixed the "code =>" example
        - removed dependency on 5.010
        - removed dependency on IO::Any
        - localedir added

0.06    4 Sep 2009
        - renamed configuration file from SysPathConfig to SPc

0.05    4 Sep 2009
        - proper consistent versioning :)

0.04    3 Sep 2009
        - moved the Module::Build functions aways from Sys::Path

0.03    3 Sep 2009
0.02    2 Sep 2009
        - Build.PL tweaks

0.01    Date/time
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.