Revision history for Test-Output

0.15_01 - Tue May 14 11:57:00 2009
	Deleted 0.15
	Modified the File::Temp dependency so that it requires version 0.17, since
	seekable files aren't supported prior to that release. This should address
	bug 45740.
	Add test case for bug 45748, which was fixed in 0.14.

0.15 - Tue May 12 11:45:00 2009
	Deleted 0.14
	Fixed a Test::Pod::Coverage test bug.

0.14 - Sat May  2 00:00:00 2009
	Fixed bug 45598.
	Fixed bug 18107.
	Fixed bug 23494.
	Removed the version stamp from the pod, which was incorrect.

0.13 - Sun Mar  8 23:00:11 2009
	* brian d foy ( is the new maintainer
	* Updated docs for source code location, license, etc

0.12 - Sat Oct 25 09:59:18 2008
	Repacking to remove OS X extended attribute files that were causing tests to fail.

0.11    10/21/2008
        Fixes for STDERR handling under Perl 5.6. Thanks to
        brian d foy for the patch with tests.
0.10    07/18/2005
        Migrated from Exporter to Sub::Exporter

0.09    11/09/2005
        New version of Test::Tester added a depth test which was causing
          tests to fail. Thanks to neildp for the patch.
        Fixed warning messages during perl Makefile.PL caused by Test::Tester
          not being loaded first.

0.08    07/19/2005
        Supressed most warnings caused by newer versions of Test::Tester

0.07    03/26/2005
        Added methods: combined_is, combined_isnt, combined_like and
          combined_unlike. This combine STDOUT and STDERR into one
          filehandle and capture their output for testing.

0.06    03/07/2005
        Applied patch from David Wheeler to support code blocks within
          tests as well as coderefs.

0.05    03/04/2005
        Added chromatic's patch fixing diag messages printing even when
          tests pass.
        Updated stdout_unlike.t to test for success.
        Updated all tests for successful tests to include diag => ''.

0.04    03/02/2005
        Added methods: output_like, output_unlike
        Moved output_from stdout_from and stderr_from out of @EXPORT
          and into @EXPORT_OK.
        Reworked diag messages for output_is and output_isnt to only show
          the output that doesn't match.
        replaced "comment" with "description"
        More tests
        Much refactoring

0.03    02/16/2005
        Reworked entire POD. Thanks to rjbs for his suggestions.
        Additional POD fixes (date to data thanks to everyone who caught
        New methods: stderr_like, stderr_unlike, stdout_like, stdout_unlike
        Updated README from the default one created by Module::Starter.
        Moved private methods _err,_out, and _errandout to stderr_from
          stdout_from and output_from respectively. Allowing access from
          the test file. Thanks to rjbs for this suggestion.

0.02    02/12/2005
        New methods: output_isnt, stderr_inst, stdout_isnt
        Removed requirement for Filehandle
        Removed errant leftover Test::Builder::Tester::Color from tests
        Migrated all tests to Test::Tester (Test::Tester now a prereq)

0.01    02/12/2005
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.