Revision history for Web::Mention

0.6 2018-09-08T20:36:53Z

    - Adding support for RSVP webmention types.
    - Improving post type discovery, according to a W3C-published
    This fixes a bug that would mis-type webmentions in source documents
    containing a mix of marked-up link types.

0.501 2018-05-29T13:32:33Z

    - Documentation cleanup.
    - Reducing the default maximum content length to 200 characters.

0.5 2018-05-28T22:33:03Z

    - Adding the from_html batch-creation class method.

    - Significant improvements to the content method.

    - Improvements to serialization, and adding tests and documentation for it.
    - Miscellaneous bugfixes and documentation improvements.

    - Adding Travis config.

0.4 2018-05-10T04:34:13Z

    - Adding support for webmention sending. (Passes all create / update
    / delete tests on, as of May 9, 2018.)
    - Tidier construction of author objects.
    - Recognize a URI-escaped version of a the target URL on the source document as a valid mention.
    - Improved handling of source documents lacking any MF2 markup.
    - Improved handling of relative URLs found in source docs' MF2 markup.

0.3 2018-04-23T14:19:45Z

    - The internal author-object constructor no longer chokes if it
    encounters author metadata that doesn't define every possible

    - Constructor throws an exception if the source and target URLs are
    too similar. (Thanks to Christian Weiske for the heads-up.)

    - The cpanfile better reflects prerequisites. (Thanks to Mohammad S
    Anwar for the patch.)

    - Documentation updates.

0.2 2018-04-21T20:33:29Z

    - Made JSON de/serialization less fragile.

    - Serializing a webmention object no longer tries to verify it as a
    side effect.

    - Improved encoding-handling of web-fetched content.

0.1 2018-04-20T20:08:31Z

    - original version