Revision history for Game::PlatformsOfPeril
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0.07    it came from below!    ,-""  ``.      ~  
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        help chase down the issue).

0.05    2019-09-21
        Some internals fiddling. Animate explosions.

0.04    2019-08-17
        Altscreen support, more portable GetTerminalSize call.

0.03    2019-06-06
        Add 'x' command to examine level. Change bomb and make bomb keys
        to make them harder to press. More level maps.

0.02    2019-06-04
        Better ensure minimum terminal size of 70x24. Better handle
        demise of animates. Install level maps with module. move_nop()
        causes monsters to track player. Also some level maps. And now
        the monsters are always tracking-happy murder bots. Fix totally
        broken level changing code.

0.01    2019-06-03
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.