# Legend:
# --- = A new release
#   x = Changed something significant, or removed a feature
#   * = Fixed a bug, or made a minor improvement
#   + = Added a feature (in a backwards compatible way)

--- 0.17 (2005-11-11 03:00)

  * Recommends: libmime-perl, not libmime-tools-perl.  (Closes Debian bug
  x Recommends: libio-stringy-perl (>= 2.110), libmail-spamassassin-perl,

  * If socket already exists, check whether it is dead or alive.  If it is
    dead, remove it and start up normally.  If it is alive, die like before.
    (Closes Debian bug #326785)
  * Ignore connections that don't send any data.

  * Decode header text as "UTF-8" encoded, not as "utf8" encoded.  Starting
    with Perl 5.8.7, this does make a difference.  "utf8" allows invalid
    Unicode codepoints (such as UTF-16 surrogates), while "UTF-8" (the official
    standard UTF-8) doesn't.  We want to avoid invalid codepoints because they
    tend to cause trouble later.
  * Don't die on invalid characters in encoded-word chunks.  If an encoded-word
    cannot be decoded, retain it undecoded.
  * "authenticated" property: refined parsing of "Received:" header and "AUTH:"
    authentication information.
  + Added "authenticated_user" property.
  * Corrected documentation of "header" property.

  SPFout filter module:
  * Don't be pedantic about what our "public" IPv4 address is vis-à-vis the
    various recipient MXes.  Assume we just have a single public address that
    applies to all recipient MXes.  (Let's see if anyone out there actually has
    a more complex setup...)

  Parts filter module:
  * Requires IO::InnerFile 2.110 or later, Archive::Zip.

  SpamAssassin filter module:
  + Added for SpamAssassin-based spam detection.
  x Requires Mail::SpamAssassin.

  * Relaxed sender IPv4 address matching in DNSBL, SPF, and SPFout filter
    modules, making the "::ffff:" IPv6 prefix optional and thus supporting
    IPv6-disabled versions of Courier.
  * Courier::Filter::Overview: Updated mention of pythonfilter from version 0.5
    to 0.8.
  * README: Added license statement.
  + INSTALL: Added system requirements and building/installation instructions.
  * Minor documentation fixes.

--- 0.16 (2005-01-17 19:11)

  * Explicitly specify the dependency on Perl 5.8 so upgrades from Woody are
    guaranteed to work smoothly and also to simplify backporting.  This deals
    with Debian bug #289796.
  x Recommend libnet-dns-perl.  Suggest libnet-rblclient-perl,
    libnet-address-ipv4-local-perl, and libclamav-client-perl (all of which are
    not yet packaged for Debian).

  SPF filter module:
  x Deprecated the "reject_on" option in favor of the new "match_on" option.
  x Removed "none" from the default set of result codes to match on.
  x Changed the documentation to recommend also rejecting on "unknown" results.
  + Added a reference in the documentation to the spf-draft-200406
    specification, to which this module complies.

  SPFout filter module:
  + Added for outbound SPF filtering.

  ClamAVd filter module:
  + Added for malware filtering using a ClamAV `clamd` dameon.

  * Updated the sample configuration file.
  * Minor documentation fixes.

--- 0.15 (2004-10-30 01:13)

  x Courier::Filter is primarily a plug-in for the Courier MTA, not a library
    of Perl modules intended to be used by other programs or modules.
    x Renamed the Debian package to "courier-filter-perl".
    x Install included Perl modules in the private path
      /usr/share/courier-filter-perl/perl5 instead of Perl's configured
      "vendorlib" path (/usr/share/perl5 in Debian).
  * Various minor fixes.

--- 0.14 (2004-10-22 00:10)

  + Added documentation for the test-filter-module and pureperlfilter
  * test-filter-module:
    * Fixed the command-line parsing and handling of control file names.
    * Made the result output format compatible with multi-line results.

--- 0.13 (2004-10-04 23:00)

  + Added Debian package control files.

  x Deprecated the MIMEParts filter module in favor of the new Parts filter
    module, which is compatible but a lot more powerful:
    x Switched from completely-in-memory processing to using temporary files in
      order to work around two nasty bugs in MIME::Parser and Archive::Zip.
    x Renamed the "max_size" constructor option to "max_message_size".
      "max_size" is deprecated but still supported for now.
    x The "max_size" constructor option now defaults to 1024**2 (1MB) instead
      of undef.
    + Added the "max_part_size" constructor option.
    + Added "views" support (as constructor option and signature aspect),
      supporting "raw" and "zip" views for now.
    + Added the "encrypted" signature aspect.

  + Added Envelope filter module.
  + Added etc/pureperlfilter.conf as a default configuration file.

  * Fixed the mysterious ``Can't call method "close" on an undefined value at
    Filter.pm line 299´´ bug that caused Courier::Filter to fail starting up on
    some platforms.  (File descriptor 3 must be opened in write mode, not in
    read mode!)
  * Fixed filter module group handling:
    * Skip the rest of the current module group and treat it as an implicit
      accept if a module in the group states an explicit accept.
    * Log rejections just once, right after a module has stated a reject,
      i.e. avoid logging the rejection for all higher recursion levels of the
      module group structure that contains the rejecting module.
    * Don't try extracting a logger from filter module groups, only from atomic
      filter modules.
  * Fixed the Header filter module:
    * Fixed handling of undefined header fields.
    * Prepend a "Header:" keyword to positive match results.
  * Disabled timestamping for the Syslog logger module, as syslog does its own
  * Reworked configuration file example.
  * Refined Build.PL script.
  * Lots of minor documentation fixes.

--- 0.12 (2004-02-25 01:00)

  * chmod the courierfilter socket to 0660, so the Courier daemon system group
    has write access to the socket.  This solves the "sendmail: Unable to
    submit message" permissions problem that occurred on some platforms..
  * Make Module::Build automatically create a Makefile.PL to facilitate
    auto-installation through the CPAN interface..

--- 0.11 (2004-02-22 22:00)

  * Do not use the proprietary "boolean" pragma module, declare our own boolean
    constants instead.
  * Lots of minor documentation fixes.

--- 0.1 (initial release) (2004-02-16 23:00)

# $Id: CHANGES 200 2005-11-11 02:46:35Z julian $
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