2009-02-07 jmerelo <jmerelo@localhost.localdomain>
* Changed to 0.62_3
* Fixed problems with XML code that made tests fail in some machines (those with XML::Parser::Style::EasyTree installed)
2009-02-06 Juan Julian Merelo Guervos <jmerelo@geneura.ugr.es>
* Fixed $VERSION bug that prevented correct indexint in CPAN
* Changed to 0.62_2
* Moved XML parsing code to a new place, so that it can be fixed more easily.
2009-02-04 jmerelo <jmerelo@localhost.localdomain>
* Checked problems with version number, change to 0:62_1
* Added new operators for the SOCO paper.
2008-06-26 Juan Julián Merelo Guervós <jmerelo@geneura.ugr.es>
0.62 Oct 2008
* Added new fitness functions.
2008-06-26 Juan Julián Merelo Guervós <jmerelo@geneura.ugr.es>
0.61 Jun 2008
* Fixing version numbers in files that prevent indexing. Changing documentation to do so
* Updated simulated annealing, with added example
* Changed Makefile for separate examples distro
* Minor refactoring of old classes
* New tests for String added and passed mainly related to Tieing
* Added Bit_Vector
2008-07-01 Juan Julián Merelo Guervós <jmerelo@geneura.ugr.es>
0.60 Jul 2008
* Changed clone to Clone::Fast::clone and adapted to it
* Fixed bug in canonical-genetic-algorithm
* Fixed bug in Makefile.PL; make didn't do anything
2008-06-23 Juan Julián Merelo Guervós <jmerelo@geneura.ugr.es>
0.59 Jun 2008
* Added canonical genetic algorithm demo
* Added royal road fitness
2008-06-23 Juan Julián Merelo Guervós <jmerelo@geneura.ugr.es>
0.58 Jun 2008
* Reverting to old numbering scheme (thanks to bug report)
* Added TODO
2008-06-23 Juan Julián Merelo Guervós <jmerelo@geneura.ugr.es>
0.5.8 Jun 2008
* Added base class for String-based fitness functions
* Cached evals for all siblings of A::E::F::String
* Refactored A::E::F hierarchy
* Fixed docs
2008-06-21 Juan Julián Merelo Guervós <jmerelo@geneura.ugr.es>
0.57 Jun 2008
* Added ONEMAX
* Changed Indi::Base; uses self-evaluation
2008-06-18 Juan Julián Merelo Guervós <jmerelo@geneura.ugr.es>
0.56 Jun 2008
* Solved XML::Parser dependence
* Doc changes
2008-06-16 Juan Julián Merelo Guervós <jmerelo@geneura.ugr.es>
0.55 Jun 2008
* So many changes I no longer know if it's worth the while to update this
* Directory layout changed to standard CPAN
* A::E::Fitness hierarchy added
* Fixed occasional test failures
* Many examples with test functions added
2005-11-14 Juan Julian Merelo Guervos <jmerelo@localhost>
0.53_4 Nov 2005
* Fixed many problems with DTDs. It should work now.
* Fixed Changes and some docs.
Revision history for Perl extension Algorithm::Evolutionary.
0.51 Sept 22 2002
- Fixed some problems with the PODs.
- Updated to the version in CVS.
- Fixed files missing in the MANIFEST.
- Included all files mentioned in the YAPC::Europe presentation
0.01 Fri Jun 7 09:43:33 2002
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-AX -n Algorithm::Evolutionary