0.06 2021-06-18
- Show errors from perspective of caller.
- Fix example configuration for Mosquitto broker.
0.05 2021-06-09
- Fix tests failing on smoke testers.
0.04 2021-06-06
- Measure more precisely the load of workers and routers.
- Allow tests to be run in parallel.
0.03 2021-06-03
- Beekeeper uses MQTT 5 instead of STOMP as messaging protocol.
- ToyBroker is now an MQTT 5 broker accordingly.
- API changes: remote call methods has been renamed.
- JS client and WebSocket examples has been improved.
0.02 2021-04-30
- Fix tests failing on smoke testers.
- Fix POD errors.
0.01 2020-05-14
- Initial release.