= Feature oriented Revision history for Devel-PerlySense =
= 0.0152
* All actions in perly_sense now use the serialization format, which
means all actions can potentially work in Vim.
= 0.0151
* BIG CONFIG CHANGE! all Emacs variables are renamed from perly-sense-
to ps/ . Update the section in your .emacs file that loads
= 0.0150
* If more than 30 items in a dropdown, use completing read instead.
This is customized with the
perly-sense-dropdown-max-items-to-display variable.
= 0.0149
* Go To Tests - Other Files: C-o g t o -- If you have
Devel::CoverX::Covered installed and have build a cover_db in the
project root directory, this command will let you choose to go to
any related test or source files.
See Devel::CoverX::Covered for details.
Ironically, this isn't very well unit tested yet...
= 0.0148
* Eye-candy release: use dropdown-list.el when choosing between
multiple classes.
* Note that two configuration colors were added, so revisit the "Emacs
installation" section in the docs to set that up.
= 0.0147
* Vim serialization support
= 0.0146
* Edit Test Count: C-o e t c. Increase the test count specified by use
"Test::More tests => 42;" and the like.
* Assist-with Test Count: C-o a t. Synchronize invalid test count in
.t file with the *compilation* buffer.
= 0.0145
* Go to Version Control now properly supports: svn, none
* Doc Uses: C-o d u -- Display used Module in the echo area.
* Go To Uses: C-o g u -- Go to the 'use Module' section of the current
* Edit Move Use Statement: C-o e m u -- Move 'use Module' statement to
the end of the 'use Module' section at the top of the file.
= 0.0144
* Go To 'new': C-o g n -- Go to the 'new' method of the current class.
* Go to Version Control: C-o g v -- Go to the Project view of the
current Version Control system.
* Document Inheritance: C-o d i -- display the Inheritance hierarchy
for the current class.
* Documentation: Key binding conventions
= 0.0143
* More clever Goto Base Class:
- If target source file is already open, don't move point to top of
file by default
- If the current location is in a sub
- display that sub if it exists in any base class
- go to that sub in the base class if it exists
= 0.0142
* C-o g b - Goto Base Class. Basic functionality, but can handle MI,
letting you choose which class to go to.
= 0.0141
* Bundle regex-tool 1.2
C-o a r - Assist-with Regex
= 0.0140
* In Class Overview, display documentation for each method, or the
method name if no doc is found. This is taken from the POD for each
= 0.0139
* Fiddled with failing test, fixed typo.
= 0.0138
* Tried fixing test which failed on some platforms.
= 0.0137
* Debug diagnostics for the failing test that doesn't appear on
= 0.0136
* In Class Overview, don't display private methods in base classes
outside the current Project. TBD: config setting for this
* Made headings in Class Overview less huge
* Fixed bug with missing face dependency loaded from another Emacs package
= 0.0135
* Changed key binding for Class Overview from C-o C-c (focusing on
Class) to C-o C-o (focusing on Overviwe). This is to bring it in
line with the convention of having the first keystroke be an
"action", not an "object".
* "perly_sense info" displays Version
* Removed dependency on "grep-mode" which was only used for the faces.
* Faces are now dealt with properly in the customize-group perly-sense
(if you use PerlySense in text-only mode, please let me know if it
looks ok).
= 0.0134
* Docs and Goto now works on Methods in the Class Overview.
* Bug: Goto method declaration goes to the POD rather than the sub {}
if found in base classes.
= 0.0133
* Cookbook.pod added
* Class Overview
- reorder the things displyed to bring the more useful stuff to the top
- display API methods in columns
= 0.0132
* "perly_sense info" provides useful information about what the
current project directory, user home directory, etc. is.
* Class Overview lists the API, i.e. methods and properties.
= 0.0131
* Fixed broken Build.PL which didn't properly install the .el files
into the lib directory. The Makefile.PL worked earlier though...
= 0.0130
* Fist non-developer release!
* New .emacs load procedure, read the docs again.
* Automatic identification of elisp files using "perly_sense
* Configurable Emacs prefix. Default is C-o.
= 0.01_29
* Fixed failing test.
* Fixed broken initial project config (bad bookmark regexp)
= 0.01_28
* Fixed another most likely insignificant failing test, added debug
output for another one. Bring on the CPAN testers! (kudos guys!)
= 0.01_27
* Fixed annoying failing Win/Unix newline test. Nothing else.
= 0.01_26
* Fixed bug #30775: "Flymake not showing Perl::Critic warnings" which
was caused by redirecting warnings into the debug log.
* Bookmark support (recreate the project config and check out the
"bookmark" entry).
= 0.01_25
* Fixed: Flymake emits redefined warnings for subs with namespace
* Debug logging in the HOME/.PerlySense/log directory
* Warnings go to the debug log
= 0.01_24 =
* Fixed potential breaking flymake elisp.
* If the *compiation* buffer is already visible in any frame, switch
to that first, so we don't get to see two *compiation* buffers next
to each other. That just looks silly.
* Perl::Critic using Flymake - first draft
= 0.01_23 =
* Run File uses the Project config, and supports syntax checking .pm
files, running .pl files, etc. as well.
* New config keys added, so run "perly_sense create_project" to
re-generate a default project.yml which you can then diff against
the old one (renamed with datestamp).
* Flymake support - highlight syntax errors and warnings in the source
while editing (continously or at every save).
Note: new elisp file to install, and some .emacs configuration.
= 0.01_22 =
* Docs about projects, etc.
* If Run File is perfomed from within the compile buffer, do a
* C-p r r -- If not even the *compilation* buffer is visible, issue
Re-Run File from anywhere.
* "perly_sense create_project" renames existing project.yml with
= Earlier =
Stuff happened.
Time passed.
Code got written. Bugs were introduced and removed. Ideas were had,
fleshed out, xdiscarded. Sometimes implemented.
But that was then.